23: Friends

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I went over to Calum's house at five. Hugged his mom, hugged Mali Koa, got attacked by their dog (which is the cutest damn mutt I've ever seen) and then Calum took me up to his room.

His room was so neat.

Everything seemed to have a place, and everything was in it. I cringed when we sat on his bed, expecting some bomb to go off because we were ruining its perfectly-made-ness.

"Are you OCD?"

Calum laughed. "No. I just wanted it to look nice for you."

I blushed a bit. "Oh, thanks. Sorry my room was a mess."

Calum shook his head. "Mali Koa is probably going to come up here in five minutes."


Calum almost jumped ontop of me. The next thing I knew, I was laying down on his bed with him on top of me, our lips just centimeters away from each other. I connected them, kissing Calum and pulling him down onto me. I felt his hands run along my chest and my stomach and my waist, mine going through his hair.

He disconnected our lips, but stayed on top of me.

"We really need to stop doing this," he said. "We're going to get caught."

I kissed him again, pulling him down and letting my hands pull his shirt up.

"I don't care," I said.

There was a knock at the door. Calum jumped off of me and went to the door. I quickly wiped my face and tried to fix my hair.

Mali Koa came in.

"Hi Luke."


"How have you been?"

I shrugged. I looked at Calum. "Good."

She sat in Calum's desk chair. "That's good. I've been great, I'm thinking of auditioning for The Voice."

"Really? When?"

"In a few weeks."

"That's so awesome, best of luck."

She smiled. "Thank you!"

The three of us sat in awkward silence. I waited for Calum to say something, then I remembered. I was so used to him talking, I forgot he didn't.

"So," I said.

Mali Koa watched me. I looked at Calum. He looked back at me.

Calum looked at Mali Koa, and I think she got what he was trying to say. She stood up.

"Well, I'll see you at dinner," she said. "Bye Luke."

"Bye Mali Koa."

She left, closing the door behind her.

Calum sighed, letting himself lay on the bed.

"She's so annoying," he breathed.

I poked his side. "She's not that bad."

Calum looked at me. "That bad?"

I smiled, taking Calum's hand in mine.

I had to ask what had been on my mind. "Are we, together?"

Calum closed his eyes. He shrugged.

"Cal, it's a yes or no question."

"I don't recall you ever asking."

He opened his eyes, almost teasingly.

"I just did."

"No, I don't recall you ever asking me out," he said.

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