32: Beside Him

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This cake photo is so good and real I mean I have to include it

The next step in our relationship, logically, was telling Calum's mom and sister.

According to Calum, the next step was taking another step back in the closet.

"Why," I complained. "I want your parents to know."

"I know, me too," he said. "But it's not time."

I sighed, taking my hand from his and shifting my position on his couch so I was a bit farther away from him.

"Luke," he said.

"When will it be time," I asked. "In a week? A month? A year?"

"I don't know, I don't even know if we'll be together in a year."

My stomach sank. That's it. He doesn't like me that much. He doesn't want to introduce me to his parents as his boyfriend if he doesn't know if he'll still like me in a month.

"Luke," Calum said, reaching his hand out to me. "I don't... I didn't mean for it to sound like that."

"I know."

"I just... It's hard for me. This," he said.

Harry. Oh.

"I don't want to pressure you into anything. Take your time," I said, trying to sound sincere even though I wanted to scream.

"Thank you," Calum said. "That means a lot."

My stomach dropped even lower. I should have been honest. I should have told him that I was actually really upset he didn't want his parents to know, even though his mom really already did.

Maybe he's embarrassed of me.

"Season 3?" Calum asked.


"Shall we start season 3? Of American Horror Story?" He asked, moving closer to me.

I nodded, coming out of my thoughts and pushing away the feeling in my stomach.


When he had to leave, I didn't want him to go. Not only did I need to know what would happen next in the episode, but I didn't want to leave Calum. Sure, I was annoyed. But I still didn't want to be without him next to me.

It's weird. I can be angry and upset but still... I can't be without him.

"You can't just sleep over," I pleaded.

He shook his head. "No. But you're sleeping over Michael's tomorrow, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Should be fun."

I kissed his cheek before he got up to leave.

"See you tomorrow."

"See you then." Before he could get his things, I grabbed my phone off the floor and took Calum's sweatshirt.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I want to wear it."

Calum smiled, his eyes lighting up. "I want one of your jerseys."

I smiled, getting up and going to my closet. "Which one?"

"One with your name on it."

I felt my heart speed up. He wasn't embarrassed, maybe he was just really nervous.

"Here," I said, handing him one with Hemmings across the back.

Calum took a pair of my jeans and his sweatshirt, laying them on the bed. "I got your clothes ready for tomorrow," he said.

"Thanks," I said, making my voice sound like the stereotypical gay.

"No problem hun," Calum said, smacking my butt before he left.



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