Chapter 20

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Harleigh's POV

Brynn, Jared, Jay, and I all sat at the beach in a circle as the dark surrounded us. 

After school we all decided to meet up at the beach to swim and just hang so we had something to do, and since it was Friday I told my mom I was just staying at Brynn's so she wouldn't ask question's. 

Which I was surprised she actually let me.

Brynn was laid up on Jared, while I sat close to Jay trying to take advantage of the heat that was radiating off of him. 

That's one thing I hated about Virginia. 

It was hot during the day, but as soon as the sun set it got quite cold. 

It also probably didn't help that we were near the water. 

" I still can't believe what happened at lunch yesterday." Brynn said.   

Oh, I almost forgot. 

Yesterday during lunch those sophomores came up to us all pissed and shit asking why we kept staring at them. 

Which slightly confused me because I was never the one to stare first it was always that Kennedy girl staring first. 

But from what I could tell she was extremely shy, so she probably wasn't the full story of what happened in the bathroom. 

" I mean, what can't you believe?" I questioned. 

" Just the attitude they had. We aren't even the ones that were staring, it was always that other girl." 

I shook my head in agreement. 

" Honestly I don't even care anymore. Sophomores became irrelevant to be the moment I became a Junior." 

Brynn shook her head in agreement, snuggling closer to Jared. 

Out of nowhere a gust of air blew through, causing me to shiver. 

Jay noticed the coldness that took over my body, and put his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer into him. 

I sat there stoic for a minute before melting into him. 

Honestly if he was willing to provide me warmth, then imma take it. 

" Should we get going?" Jared questioned. 

Brynn shook her head. 

" Not yet. The stars are so pretty tonight." She said looking up into the sky. 

We all looked up with her, admiring the stars. 

Brynn acts like such a hard ass on the outside, but on the inside she's so soft. 

She loves things like double rainbows, and unicorns, and stars. 

But she had a right to love the stars, because she was right, they were beautiful.


I woke up, again in Jared's house, but this time on the couch with multiple different blankets wrapped around me. 

Pulling off the blankets I grabbed my phone, and stood up off of the floor making my way over Jay, who laid on the floor next to the couch. 

I walked down the hall of the main level of Jared's house and into the nearest bathroom. 

Quietly shutting the door I turned on the light and pulled down my pants sitting on the toilet. 

As I was using the bathroom I rubbed my eyes with the palm of my hand, then looked at the screen of my phone. 


It was already noon. 

I guess not leaving the beach until 4:30 could really do that to you. 

Once I was done using the bathroom I wiped, then pulled up my pants flushing the toilet. 

Turning on the hot water I made sure to scrub my hands with soap, before taking a hand full of hot water in my two palms and splashing in my face. 

With my eyes still closed I turned off the water then walked over to the hand towel rack, drying my hands and face. 

Once I was done with everything in the bathroom I opened the door quietly, and walked down back into the living room. 

As soon as I reached the living room and looked up from the ground I jumped back holding back my scream. 

I held a hand to my heart as it started to pound hard. 

Jay was standing nearly 2 feet away from me, us almost running into each other. 

" My bad." He said. 

I shook my head taking a big gulp 

" It's okay." I paused. " I'm sorry if I woke you up." I apologized. 

He shrugged putting his hands in his front pockets of his jeans. 

" I was half awake anyway." 

We stood there in an awkward silence for a second, just staring at each other. 

" Alright well imma head to the bathroom." He said pointing past me. 

I shook my head turning sideways allowing him past me. 

Well that was slightly awkward. 

I shook my head pushing what had just happened to the back of my head as I walked to the back to the couch plopping myself down. 

Looking at my phone again I started to scroll through social media as my phone dinged with a notification from my towns website.  

I clicked the notification and started to read the post that was posted on the home page of the website. 

' In Honor of the start of a new school year we would like to invite the townspeople to a BBQ that we will be holding in the local park this Sunday at 2pm. Everything from food, drinks, dessert, and music will be provided. All that we ask is that everyone brings a big bright smile.'

Just as I finished reading Jay walked back into the living room with his phone in his had as he looked down at the screen. 

 " The BBQ thing?" I questioned.

He looked up from his phone with a slightly confused face. 

" Your phone." I pointed. 

He looked back at he phone then at me.

" Oh yeah." He said shoving his phone in his back pocket. 

" Are you going?" 

He shrugged. " Maybe."

I looked down at my lap. 

For some reason I really wanted his answer to be yes. 

" Are you?" He asked.

" Probably. My dad likes to attend these type of things."

He shook his head understandingly.

We both stared at each other in another moment of awkward silence. 

As we stared into each other eyes I felt a weird feeling in my stomach. 

It kind of felt like butterflies fluttering in my stomach. 

I quickly ripped my eyes away from his and back down to my lap. 

What in the actually is going on?

XOXO ParisBesties

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