Chapter 19

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Victoria's POV

*lunch time*

It was finally lunch.

We all got in the lunch line and got our lunch before heading to our table.

I caught Brynn, Harleigh, and their table looking at us and I groaned in irritation.

"What's wrong?" Hudson asked as we sat at our table.

"Them! The people who won't stop looking at us! Its frustrating!" I said.

"Maybe we should confront them." Jean said.

"That's what I was thinking." I said.

"So do it.." Hudson said as he took a bite of his food.

"No, just ignore them." Kennedy said.

"How can I ignore them if they stare at us 24/7!?" I exclaim.

They all shrugged.

"Exactly." I said.

"Well then let's go." Jean said.

"Wait, seriously?" Kennedy asked.

Jean looked at me and I nodded as I stood up.

Hudson and Jean stood up but Kennedy looked at us to see if we were joking.

She's not scared, well technically she is, but I meant like shes a very antisocial person, she's very awkward and shy when it comes to new people.

But she opens up pretty quickly.

"Wait for real?" She asked.

"Yes!" We all exclaimed.

She sighed as she got up and followed us.

Their table noticed us walking over and looked at us.

"Maybe we should just go back and eat." She said.

We all sighed as we stopped and looked at her.

"How come you don't want to see what their problem is? If they have one, that is." I questioned.

"Well, I- I do." She said.

"I know you don't like talking to people so you don't have to come you can wait for us at the table or you can just watch and listen." I said.

"Okay." She said.

We continued walking and stopped at their table.

They all looked at us questionably.

I didn't really mean to but I may or may not have put on a... "Bitch face" I always do that with confrontations and I have no control over it.

"Why do you guys keep looking over at us?" I asked.

"Why do you guys keep looking at us?" Harleigh asked.

I chuckled. "First off we" I pointed at me, Hudson, and Jean, "don't look at you guys, because no offense unless you have some sort of relevance or importance to us we don't look. Kennedy here is a antisocial person and when she's not conversing she looks around at EVERYONE not just you, you guys keep looking at all of us. What for?" I asked.

They all awkwardly looked at each other.

"Then what about that bathroom situation Harleigh told us about?" Brynn asked.

"I thought I had seen something on her like a bug or something because I was super exhausted that day." Kennedy said awkwardly, avoiding eye contact with them.

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