Chapter 8

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Harleigh's POV

Rolling over onto my side I wiped the drool that dipped down the side of my face. 

I pulled my hand out from underneath me and slammed against the alarm clock that was ringing in my ear. After the ringing stopped I quickly sat up, instantly bringing my hand up to my head. 

It was safe to say that I was a little hungover from last night's events. 

After dancing for awhile with Jay I threw back a couple more shots of vodka, then finally the party got busted. 

Which if I may say, It did last longer than I had expected. Normally party like those are lucky if they last 30 mins. 

Once the party was busted I made my way home around 1:00, and was asleep by 1:15. 

Swinging my legs over the side of my bed, I picked myself up and walked over to my closet to pick out an outfit. 

Once I was dressed I bent over to pick up the clothes that were laying in my floor

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Once I was dressed I bent over to pick up the clothes that were laying in my floor. Quickly standing back up I had a sudden spell of dizziness come over me. 

Moving back towards my bed I sat on the edge taking deep breath's and my vision became blurred. 

I squeezed my eyes shut until the dizziness had subsided. 

Once it did I opened my eyes again and slowly stood back up. 

For some reason after I drink I always get these random dizzy spells. 

They come, the go as fast as they come. 

Opening my bedroom door I walked down to the bathroom to see the door closed. 

I raised an eyebrow. 

Who the heck is in the bathroom at this time? Everyone knows its my turn at this time. 

I knocked on the bathroom door waiting for a response but it was radio silence. 

I would use my parents bathroom, but that was under remodeling. 

Knocking on the door again, I leaned against the wall as my brother walked out with headphone's in his ears. 

He walked past me without acknowledging me, rocking his head to the beat of the music. 

I rolled my eyes, then began to walk into the bathroom but stopped short at the horrifying smell that was coming from the bathroom. 

" Cooper!" I whined throwing my head back. 

How can one 12 year old stink up a bathroom this bad. 

Holding my breath I walked into the bathroom and grabbed our air freshener that sat on the back of the toilet.

Dramatically I sprayed the freshener all over. 

Once I made sure I was in the clear I took a deep breath. 

Now that was much better. 

I pulled out my hair curlier and started on my hair. 

Adding a little more hairspray to my hair I cleaned up, then  grabbed my toothbrush to quickly brush my teeth

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Adding a little more hairspray to my hair I cleaned up, then  grabbed my toothbrush to quickly brush my teeth. 

Once my breath was minty fresh I turned off the light then headed back to my room. 

Day 2 of hell, only 178 more to go. 


Currently I was sitting at a table full of boy that were all talking about a bunch of things I didn't really care to know anything about. 

Apparently Brynn was too hung over to come to school today, so she ditched me here with all these boys. 

And of course I didn't have any other friends that I could hang out with, so I was just stuck here. 

As I held my head up with my hand dazing off in boredom I heard my name being called. 

" Harleigh."

" Yo Harleigh." Someone said slightly louder waving a hand in front of my face. 

" Yeah?" I questioned shaking my head. 

I moved my head and looked at all the boys staring at me. 

" So you think you could get your dad to help me out?" A guy named West questioned. 

I raised an eyebrow. " With what exactly?" 

" You weren't listening to anything I was saying?" 

I shook my head. 

He threw a glare my way before repeating what he had said to the boys.

" I need your dad's help  with getting the courts off my ass. They keep harassing me about my lack of care of the law." He explained. 

I scrunched my face up at him. " You really are dumb aren't you?"

" My dad is a district attorney. He prosecutes hard ass criminals, and  helps people if they are actually getting charged with something. Not a dumb ass rebellious teenager." 

West glared at me, while the rest of them laughed. 

" Whatever Miss. Princess." He rolled his eyes. 

I hated being called princess. It made me sound snobby, which was something I definitely wasn't. 

" Shut up West."

" Or what? You'll call your daddy?"

" No West." I answered bluntly.

" Okay then what? Are you gonna hide behind Brynn like you always do?" He asked.

The boys around me laughed. 

I looked at them with a blank face not really caring what they say. 

I just ignored them.

He's just mad because my dad won't help a lowlife, troublesome boy like himself.

And this is why I hate boys, they always say girls are crybabies and get sensitive or upset over the littlest things, well they get mad over the littlest things and always let their anger out and keep their emotions inside instead of letting them out and expressing their feelings to keep their tough guy ego.

And that's why I hate boys.

XOXO ParisBesties 

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