Chapter 12

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Harleigh's POV

School had been over for a couple of minutes now, but I was still sitting in my car waiting for Brynn to finish her goodbye make out with Jared.

We decided that we were gonna go to our favorite coffee shop, and walk around since we didn't have anything else to do. 

I looked out the passenger window to see them still leaning against Jared's car, lips still locked. 

Rolling my eyes, I rolled down the window and honked my horn. 

" I think you've swallowed enough of his saliva, Brynn." I yelled out the window. 

A couple of people in the parking lot looked over to me then at the couple causing Brynn to hide in embarrassment. 

Brynn grabbed her bag giving Jared one last kiss before making her way over to my car. 

As I held a satisfied grin on my face, Brynn held a glare as she opened up the door and hopped in. 

" I hate you." She said crossing her arms over her chest and looking forward. 

I laughed. " No you don't."

Twisting the key in the ignition I headed out of the parking lot and onto the main road. 

" So why were you so quiet at lunch?" Brynn asked. 

" I'm always quiet." I shrugged. 

Out of the corner of my eye I seen her look at me with a raised eyebrow. 

" Not that quiet." 

I shook my head disregarding her. 

We sat in silence, until we came to a red light. 

" Jared told me what happened yesterday." 

I looked over to her with a dumbfounded expression. 

" Then why did you ask?"

She shrugged. " I thought maybe you would tell me, but apparently not."

" I didn't tell you because it wasn't that big of a deal." 

She sighed. " If you say so." 

" It wasn't, I promise. It was just boys being boys." I ensured her as the light turned green. 

I took a left turning merging into the lane next to me. 

" You know that Kennedy girl?" I asked. 

" Yeah."

" Well I ran into her in the bathroom and lets just say she was taking an interest into my birthmark on my leg."

She raised an eyebrow. " Really?"

I shook my head. 

" Well that's a little weird."

" That's what I was thinking. It was so fucking awkward too which made it 10 times worse."

She chuckled. 

" Maybe she just never seen one shaped the way it is. I mean I was pretty interested in it when I first met you too."

" I guess." I shrugged. 

I drove further down the highway until I gave to the first exit. Turning on to the exit I drove a couple of more mile before I came to the strip mall that help our favorite coffee shop along with some of favorite stores. 

Pulling into a parking spot I shut off the car and looked over to Brynn. 

" Ready?" 

" Of course." She exclaimed. 

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