Chapter 16

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Harleigh's POV

Brynn and I jumped into my car, strapping up as I blasted the air conditioner. 

" God damn it's hot." I yelled. 

Brynn laughed fixing her hair in the overhead mirror. 

" I don't think it's ever been this hot in Virginia."

I nodded in agreement as I pulled out of the school parking lot. 

" So today was slightly weird."

I looked over to her with a raised eyebrow.

" Slightly? It was extremely weird."

She shrugged, shaking her head. 

" Yeah your right."

" I just don't understand why she keeps looking at me."

The rest of the day I had managed to dodge the stares of that Kennedy girl, but it still made me weirded out and curious. 

" Maybe what Jay said was true, maybe she has a crush on you." Brynn suggested. 

" I don't think so." 

" You never know. All I ever seen her hanging out with is girls, well that was before that new boy came. Which for a sophomore he's kind of hot."

I looked over to her giving her a 'really' expression.

She threw both her hands up. 

" Hey I'm just saying. I mean I'm still all about Jared, but when I see a good looking face Imma acknowledge it." 

I rolled my eyes. 

" Anyways." I changed the subject back to what we were talking about. "  I don't think it's that. Ever since she seen my birthmark on my leg, that's what triggered all the stares from her." 

" I don't know. Sophomores are weird nowadays." 

I chuckled. 

She wasn't wrong. 

" Okay. I can't handle this heat." She whined fanning herself. 

I reached forward messing with the air again trying to make it cooler. 

" It won't get any cooler." I told her.

She laid her head on the window seal letting the air move through her hair. 

As she was hanging her head out the window like a flippin dog her phone buzzed next to her. 

She leaned back into the car and picked up her phone checking it. 

She typed something on her phone, before setting it down next to her looking at me.

" You wanna go to Jared's? His parents aren't home and he's letting us come over to swim." 

I looked around making sure everything around me was clear before answering. 

" Uhh who's gonna be there?" 

" Well Jared, Me, Jay, and you if you say yes." She smiled. 

I rolled my eyes.

" Fine." I sighed. 

She cheered clapping her hands together. 

" Good I wasn't going to take no for an answer." 

I scoffed. 

" Do you need me to take you by your house to grab your bathing suit, or do you want to use one of mine?" I questioned

" Actually, just drop me off at home, and I'll meet you there. I have a couple of things to do for my mom and I don't want to keep you waiting.

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