Chapter 11

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Aadilyn's POV

We arrived at this trail.

I get out dads truck and look at him with a questionable look on my face.

"Hiking." He said.

I gasped.

Me, mom, and dad love hiking, We would go at least once a week and find new trails and paths and we would collect cool plants and rocks and stuff and see new places, it was always so cool and fun.

But we haven't been hiking in years, the last time we went was two days before mom was diagnosed.

I will never forget that last day we went hiking.

We had found this really cool wrong but we couldn't touch it because it was poisonous, but it was a super rare frog that was going extinct, I couldn't remember the name because like I said this was years ago.

Dad smiles at me.

"I know it'll be different without mom but I promise it'll be fun." He said.

We started to follow the trail, the trail was actually moss and it had some tiny flowers all over it, it was so pretty already.

The pretty moss trail started to come to an end the further we walked and it was soon dirt, mud, and rocks, that must mean there's a mountain up ahead.

I love climbing mountains, but they are so dangerous. This is a life or death situation, but it'll be worth it. I know it.

We continued to walk for about another 20 minutes or so and until we walked to a clearing and I could finally see the mountain up ahead.

I could also see the top peaking out from the view of the tall trees and I started to get super excited.

"There's a really neat surprise on the other side of that mountain." Dad said.

"Really?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Well two actually." He said.

I was even more excited now.

What could be on the other side?

We continued to walk until we finally made it to the huge ass mountain.

We started to climb up the rocky trail and it was kinda slippery.

As we were reaching the top I started to hear water flow, and it was really loud.

"Wanna take a quick break?" Dad asked.

I nodded.

We sat down on one of the huge rocks and dad pulled out the sandwiches and water bottles from his back pack.

He handed me one of the ham and cheese sandwiches.

"Thanks." I said as I unwrapped it and took a huge bite.

"No problem." He said, with a mouth full of food and I chuckled a bit.

It was quite disgusting but I didn't really mind at the same time

We finished eating and we took long drinks before continuing up the mountain.

When we reached the top my face dropped.

There was a huge lake and a waterfall and past that and all the trees I could see smoke from afar coming from a chimney.

I think there are cabins back there.

"Wanna jump in, our bags are water proof for a reason?" He asked.

"No need to ask me again." I said as I threw my phone into my bag and I plugged my nose and jumped off the mountain.

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