Chapter 3

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Victoria's POV

We arrived at school and I as soon as we got out the car I instantly smelt the weed, which is how the schools always smelt like and I don't miss the smell.

Our school, Riverside High, isn't that best school.

There's no rich snobby kids, thank god, there's rarely any fights because basically everyone got along great.

Here we had the goths, the emos, the bad boys, the bad girls, a couple girly girls here and there, e-boys, e-girls, and a lot of grunge/skater girls and boys.

A lot of people at our school smoke and drink but me and Kennedy don't do that, I mean we'll steal my dads wine from time to time but we don't really drink, and we both swore we'd never ever smoke.

The school isn't bad looking its actually quite nice but it isn't the beat school.

"Ugh, why do they always have to smoke on school grounds?" I said as we walked inside.

Kennedy shrugged. "I don't know, I hope they know asthma and lung cancer is a thing." She said.

"Right." I added.

Me and Kennedy have our own lockers but we like to share hers because its closer to our first period class and if you're wondering how we know this considering its our first day back is because me and Kennedy had volunteered a couple times over summer to do a "school clean up".

And during that time everyone who helped was able to get their schedules early and find all their classes and stuff.

First period we have gym and after gym each gym class has a 20 minute "break" and you only allowed to use that time to shower and change for your next period or to go home because last period.

On the first day of school we instantly start working there is no we wait a week or so and get everything settled and start, nope we get started immediately.

"So about that party." Kennedy said as we put all our things in her locker since we don't need it for gym or the next period after that because next we have art and we aren't carrying it around with us.

I groaned. "What about it?" I asked as she closed her locker.

"What are we gonna wear?" She asked as we started walking side by side to gym, avoiding bumping in to people in the crowded halls.

As we were walking down the halls I was studying all the new freshman.

They have a lot more girly girls but that'll probably change over time.

I shrugged. "Wear what we always wear. We don't gotta change our style or attempt to look good for no party. Everyone's gonna be outta of it anyways, they won't remember if we looked like trash or not."

"True." She chuckled.

We entered the locker room and it smelt like period blood, probably from the stalls in the back.

At our school its not like most schools where you have to wait a week to get gym uniform, lockers, and locks, before school starts we get sent all our locks and shit in the mail but at our school we don't have gym uniforms.

You have to bring your own gym clothes.

So me and Kennedy have all 7 gym outfits in their and at the end of the week your supposed to take your stuff home and wash it the school doesn't do it for you but our good friend Larry, one of janitors washes them for us at the school whilst He's cleaning, he knows the code to the locker and he puts it back in for us.

So me and Kennedy use her locker to store the clean clothes and our outfits we wear to school and my locker for the dirty clothes.

We also offered to pay Larry multiple times, but he told us to stay sweet, helping girls and were free of charge.

He's really nice and his wife, Heather is nice too, she also works here, she's one of the cafeteria ladies who serves food.

They have a son who goes here, his name is Terrance, he's a sophomore this year and he's a nice, quiet kid. We talk to him often and he sits with us at lunch sometimes.

We change into our gym outfits

We then head into the gym where most of the class was sitting down on the ground talking and laughing whilst we waited for the rest of the class and the gym teacher.

Our gym teacher wasn't like most gym teachers, I heard most gym teachers are chubby, ours is buff and kinda cute. He's buff because he's also the boxing coach, and he went here and did boxing.

Our school doesn't have many sports because they didn't have money to support all the sports so.

We have two cheer teams, one for our boxing team and one for our wrestling team. We also have a basketball team, a lacrosse team, and a girls soccer team.

Me and Kennedy aren't really into sports we like to skateboard though, if only we could get a skating team, I don't know why we don't have one, we have hella skaters at our school.


Gym was over, we didn't do as much, we just ran two laps, did a 15 minute workout and then had free time.

We walked into the girls locker room and we quickly showered before changing into our clothes and put our dirty clothes in my locker.

We then headed off to art and we decided to sit in the very back.

As we were sitting I looked around the class and spotted two girls girls.

They were two of the 7 girly girls in their grade, their a year older than us so if your wondering why we have class with them is because classes like art and gym, or music or whatever have some kids from at least every grade.

Anyways heir names are Harleigh and Brynn I believe.

If your a girly girl it doesn't make you popular or anything, the popular one are the skater kids because they skate around and do cool tricks and shit.

If your a girly girl then you are actually far from popular most people here don't like the girly girls but no one really says anything or starts anything they just don't associate with them.

I kept looking around and I spotted this one girl, her name was Jean, she had long, wavy, purple hair, plenty of piercings and tattoos.

She was in this band with her friends, who don't go here because their all in like their 20s.

She doesn't associate with anyone in our school, but I always thought she was cool. Me and Kennedy talked to her from time to time but not much.

"So I would have to go in and convince my parents to let me stay at your house so just stay in the car and wait for me while I ask and pack some things for your house and the party." Kennedy said.

"Where is the party at anyways?" I asked.

"Its at the old abandoned wrestling stadium." She said.

We used to have this wrestling stadium that our school would have their matches at but when people did illegal shit there and a huge gang fight broke out and the place caught on fire.

Its still standing and pretty sturdy.

But now the wrestling team shares with the boxing team now, but this happened years ago, I was like 11 when it happened.

"Oh cool." I responded.

"I know right." She squealed.

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

I wasn't excited about the party at first but I'm super excited about it now because a party in a a bonded building sounds lit.

Sorry this chapter was kinda lame, I wanted to explain a few things about the school and stuff but anyways, hope you enjoyed!


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