Chapter 4

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Harleigh's POV

I honked my horn 2 more times trying to get my best friend's attention. 

Having already been here for about 10 minutes if she took any longer to come out I would just have to leave her butt here. I was not all for being late to school, especially on my first day. 

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, getting ready to call her for the 3rd time. Before I had the chance to dial her number out of the corner of my eye I seen her walk out and slam her house door behind her. 

As she walked to the car I admired how perfect she looked. 

She was dressed in a sunflower yellow crop top, and blue light washed ripped jeans. Her hair was perfectly curled with the right amount of bounce in it. 

Ever since, well I could remember I was always slightly jealous of Brynn. She had the perfect body, hair, smile, the perfect everything. And even though people say we are perfect for each other I still feel like she deserves someone way better than me. 

I gave her a 'really' expression as she got in the car throwing her back pack on the floor board. 

" Sorry. I had to help with the baby." She apologized. 

I softened my expression at the mention of her little brother William. 

William was only 3 months old. Brynn's mother had gotten pregnant with him very unexpectedly after being told she couldn't have anymore kids after Brynn. 

But then a miracle happened, and 16 years later William was born. 

" So are you excited for the first day of school?" Brynn asked as I pulled away from her curb. 

" Ehh. Is anyone ever really excited for the start of 180 days of torture?" 

Brynn laughed, shaking her head. 

" How do you have such good grades, when you hate school so much?" 

 " Simple. My hatred for school gives me enough of a push to make good grades so I can get out of this place." I answered. 

She rolled her eyes. " Anyway. There's this back to school party at the old wrestling stadium this today. I think we should go."

I chuckled. " Of course you do."

She smacked my arm. " Hey. What's that supposed to mean?"

I shook my head. " Nothing." I smirked. 

" Hey just because I like to have a good time, and you like to sit at home with a tub of ice cream does mean there's anything wrong with it."

My mouth dropped open. 

" I like to have fun." I exclaimed. 

" Yeah, with a tub of ice cream."

" All I'm saying is I will not be the one to drag you our of the party." 

She threw her head against the headrest. 

" That was so long ago." She sighed  as we pulled into the school parking lot. 

Pulling into the parking lot I had to instantly roll up my windows to avoid the smell of weed filling my car. 

" It was 2 weeks ago." I said grabbing my bag from the backseat. 

We both jumped out of the car slamming the doors, and walking towards the school. 

" It wasn't that bad." She said pulling her bag close to her body. 

" You threw up on me." 

" Okay, okay. It won't happen again. Plus Jared is back from summer vacation, which mean a whole new party Brynn." She smirk mischievously. 

I rolled my eyes laughing as we walked into the school. 

Jared was her boyfriend who she's been with since 8 th grade. 

He was more on the rebellious side which turned Brynn on way more than being with some goodie two shoes. 

We walked through the crowded hallways and to where both of our lockers were. 

After opening mine I placed some of the books that I didn't need until later in there, slamming the door shut and walking down where Brynn was. 

As I was waiting for her to organize everything in her locker I felt an arm being tossed over my shoulder. 

" Hey sexy." Someone whispered in my ear. 

I looked up to see Jay, one of Jared's friends. 

" Jay remove your arm from around me." I warned looking ahead of me. 

" Or what?" 

" Or I'll ensure you can no longer have kids."

With that he removed his arm from my shoulder and taking a step back. 

Both Jared, and Brynn were watching, chuckling with laughter. 

" I hate you guys." I said slightly annoyed. 

Turning around I left them there to mingle as I headed to my first class of the day. 



English was finally over and I was making my way to the art room for second period. 

When I walked into the class I spotted Brynn sitting at the back of the class. I walked over pulling out the chair and sitting next to her. 

She looked up from her phone. " Oh hey. I didn't know you were in this class."

I shrugged. " Well now you do. "

She raised an eyebrow. 

" What's wrong with you?" She questioned. 

I shook my head. " Nothing."

She squinted her eyes. " Mhmm."

Rolling my eyes I looked forward to see two girls walking through the door. 

They were both dressed in a grungy style, both pulling it off quite well. 

One had bright blonde hair, and blue eyes, well the other had black hair with blue eyes. 

" Who are they?" I asked Brynn, nudging her shoulder. 

" Uhh blondie is Victoria, and the other one is Kennedy." 

I shook my head. 

" Why?"

I shrugged. " I've just never seen them before."

" That would be because they are sophomores."

" Oh." I answered. 

I remember my sophomore days like they were yesterday. Even though they only ended 3 months ago, it still seemed like a long time. 

" You know blondie kinda looks like you." Brynn whispered. 

I looked over to her. 

" No she doesn't." 

She shook her head. 

"  She very much does." 

I was about to rebut again but was stopped by the teacher walking through the class door. 

Looking at the back of Victoria's head, I rolled my eyes. 

Brynn's crazy. 

She looks nothing like me. 


XOXO ParisBesties

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