The door opened and Harry's face appeared. He clearly hadn't been expecting him judging on his reaction, which was to slam the door in his face. But Tom had been expecting that and stopped it with his foot before it could close.

Harry didn't fight it, it was inevitable. So he let go of the door and stepped back as Tom come inside.

"Potter," Tom said casually.

Harry paused, uncertain of what to call him. He wasn't Voldemort (if he had been he would definitely not let him in, it would scare Wynter) and he would not call him Tom even if it would annoy him, so he said, "Riddle."

Tom's eye twitched at the use of him muggle surname, but he moved on. "You know why I'm here."

"Yes," Harry said. "Though I wish you weren't" he mumbled as he closed the door.

Tom heard the muttered words, but ignored it, "Where is she?"

"Who?" Harry asked freighting innocence.

"You know who," Tom growled. He stopped to calm himself, "Where is my daughter?"

Harry tensed slightly and glanced over toward where Wynter was laying. Tom caught the movement and turned to look. He saw the edge of a blanket and headed toward it.

Harry bounded forward and picked Wynter up. "Here she is, you've seen her, you can go now."

Tom took a deep breath and released it, "Look, Potter. I am not going to hurt you or her, nor am I going to take her from you."

Harry frowned, "How do I know that?"

"She needs her mother and I am not going to deprive her of that. You have my word."

Harry blinked in shock. He had not been expecting that. "Y-You won't take her from me?" he asked.

"No. She belongs here."

After a second Harry nodded; he would have to go along with it, besides, Tom did give him his word and that was not to be taken lightly. But any sign of a threat and they were out of there. To hell with him being Wynter's father, he would not put his daughter in harm's way.

"I just want to know my daughter Potter, that's all," Tom encouraged.

"Okay," Harry said at last, "But if you try anything..."

Tom nodded in understanding. Harry Took a deep breath before he sat down on the couch and Tom followed and sat on the other end. Harry clutched his daughter close for a moment before he turned Wynter around to sit on his lap facing Tom. It was then that Tom got his first look at his daughter.

The fact that she looked like Harry came to mind first. Wide green eyes stared at him curiously from beneath a mop of black hair. Her face was all soft and carefree with soft chubby cheeks and a cute little mouth that was holding a pacifier. She was dressed in a light pink onesie with what looked like a picture of a bear on it and looked perfectly content in Harry's arms.

"She's beautiful," Tom whispered as he drank in every inch of his daughter, committing it to memory.

"Thank you," Harry said softly and looked down at Wynter. She was gazing at Tom with open curiosity, trying to figure out who he was. All she knew was that he was someone new.

Tom reached out a hand to touch her but saw Harry's arm tighten around her and he stopped. Small steps, he reminded himself and put his arm down. "Um..." Tom had so much to ask he didn't know where to start. "What is her name?"


"Wynter?" Tom repeated with a frown.

"Don't give me that look. Wynter is a good name and I like it." Harry said.

"But why Wynter, why not something more original?"

"Because she's special, I wanted her to have a special name. Besides, Winter is my favorite season and it fits."

"There are a lot of other unique names out there..." Tom paused as he saw Harry's angry look. "But Wynter is a good name too." Harry nodded satisfied. "Is it just Wynter or..."

"Her full name is Wynter Lily Potter," Harry answered.

Tom smiled, "Wynter Lily...It does have a nice ring to it."


"How old is she?"

"Three months."

"Three? That's all? Then she was born..."

"December 13th," Harry supplied to him. It was easier to just tell him what he wanted instead of fighting. Besides if Tom was being civil why couldn't he?

"December..." Tom murmured and smiled slightly.

"What?" Harry asked.

"It's nothing." Harry narrowed his eyes suspiciously and Tom sighed. "Mine is at the end of December."

Harry sat back in surprise, "Oh...Happy Birthday then."

Tom blinked in surprise, "Thank you," he murmured. When was the last time someone had said that to him? It had been a long time, if ever.

"I guess naming her Wynter wasn't just some random name."

"No, it was snowing when she was born."

"Were you by yourself?" Tom asked curiously.

"No. My friends were here with me."

"Good," Tom nodded and fell silent. "Do you have everything you need for her?"

"Yeah. Dumbledore supplied everything that I needed," Harry said.

Tom nodded; "If you need anything..." he said trailing off.

Harry nodded in understanding and he smiled slightly. It was...endearing to know that he was willing to be there for his daughter.

They settled into a comfortable silence, Tom watching his daughter as Harry played with her fingers that were curled around his own. Occasionally their eyes would meet when Wynter did something and they would smile as parents do when their child did something that was noteworthy; which, with Wynter was every second.

After a few moments of silence, Tom spoke up. "I haven't...missed anything, have I?"

Harry thought for a moment, unsure of what he meant. "Oh no, you haven't. She only recently started moving her head around. All she really does is lay there and play with her feet. She's fascinated with them."

Tom smiled, "Is she?"

Harry nodded and smiled too, "You should have seen when she discovered them. She was lying on her back and was kicking her legs out and she put one of them in the air..." Harry laughed as he remembered, "She looked at it and her eyes got real wide like "where did that come from?" It was so funny."

"Sounds like it," Tom murmured, "Is there anything else you can tell me?"

Harry looked up and saw the desperation to know everything he could about their daughter in Tom's eyes. Harry looked down at Wynter in his arms and felt pride swell in his chest. If Tom wanted to know and was willing to listen then Harry was more than happy to indulge him.

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