Inside, Harry leaned against the counter sipping his glass of water. He closed his eyes as he thought about the chores he needed to do. Let's see...Laundry is done, dusting-done, clean the-

Harry suddenly jerked as the front door blew inward. His glass slipped from his fingers and shattered on the floor as his wand slid into his hand. He ran into the living room and positioned himself next to the couch and directly in front of the door.

Then came in the last person he ever wanted to see—Voldemort.

"Potter. I've found you at last," Voldemort or was it Tom? said. He had forgone his snake persona and ratty looking robes for his true form and form-fitting robes, but he was prepared for battle.

"Voldemort," Harry said calmly even though he was panicking inside. His eyes darted to Wynter who was looking around with curious eyes. He mustn't see her. He can't! He turned his attention back to Tom. Please. Whatever God that is out there, don't let him see her!

"I find myself surprised," Tom said, "I didn't expect you to be so," he paused, "relaxed." Even as he said it, he looked around. Everything was neat and tidy, homey. The inside looked just as it had on the outside, no tricks. There was a laundry basket on the couch for Merlin's sake! Something is not quite right.

Harry ignored the silent question. "I'm taking a break. Now get out," Harry said raising his wand and stepping forward so that he was in front of the couch.

Tom chuckled darkly, "You think I'm just going to leave? Don't make me laugh. No, I'm going to end this. This has gone on long enough," Tom said, whispering the last part to himself. He raised his wand. "This will end...with you dead!"

Harry blocked the spell that came at him and sent out one of his own to try and move him back outside, away from Wynter. She was virtually unprotected and if he paused to put a spell on her it would draw Tom's attention, so he had to lure him away. But it wasn't working, if anything he was stepping away from the door. Harry took a few steps forward to try and block him, to intimidate him into moving backward and let loose another curse.

Tom deflected it and the spell hit the wall, leaving a scorch mark. "You have been training, bravo. But it is not enough," he said and released the killing curse.

Harry moved out of the way and the spell hit the picture on the far wall, shattering the glass and releasing it from the hanging. It crashed to the floor.

A whimper caught their attention and Harry's breath caught, but he forced himself not to look back. No, no. Not now, Wynter. Don't cry. Please. Be brave sweetheart, be brave! Harry started rapidly spitting out spells, some spoken out loud others wordless, to drive Tom back.

Tom deflected the spells and listened for the sound. He knew he had heard something. Ah, there it is again, he thought and his gaze locked in on the couch. But couches didn't make sounds unless it was transfigured and it was not, seeing as it had rips and tears in it. It has to be... He redirected his steps but was forced to defend more rapidly.

Potter was...different. At the beginning of their duel, he had been calm, precise, and predictable. Now his spells were sporadic, panicked. If he was seeing right, Potter seemed positively terrified, like he didn't want him to see something. And whatever was making him so was behind the couch. Tom defended and sent out more of his own spells to drive Potter back, taking steps further into the room.

Harry started panicking, he was getting closer. He couldn't see her! He can't take her away! Harry kicked over the coffee table to distract him. "Expelliarmus!" he shouted, but Tom blocked it and took a few more steps closer.

"Sectumsempra," Tom said pointing his wand. Harry ducked and the spell hit the lamp on the side table, shattering it.

Harry, fearing that it hurt his daughter, turned to look and that was the distraction Tom needed. Harry gasped in sudden pain as Tom's spell hit his arm and he fell to the floor.

Tom took a few steps closer until he was almost even with the couch and he could see whatever Potter was hiding. He pointed his wand down at Potter and grinned in pleasure as he saw the panic in Potter's eyes.

The whimpering started again and turned into a full-on wail. Startled, Tom pointed his wand to the spot where the noise was coming from.

"NO!" Harry shouted and rammed forward into Tom's legs. He scrambled to his feet and darted forward to pick up Wynter from her play pin. Harry held her close to his chest and made soft shushing noises to her. He pointed his wand with his other hand at Tom as he started backing away.

Tom had nearly fallen over, but he caught himself on the wall. Potter's sudden action had startled him, but now he was angry. He straightened and raised his wand, a curse on his lips, and then he abruptly froze. His anger evaporated into bewilderment and then shock. There was a bundle in Potter's arms, partially covered by a blanket, the corner stained with Potter's blood. A tiny hand clutched at Potter's shirt and a tiny foot hung slightly around his waist. That was it? That noise...was a baby?

A baby...

What the hell is a baby doing here?

As the thought entered his head, his mind started whirling with thoughts, piecing things together.

It had been a year since that night.

A baby...

A year since Harry went into hiding.

A baby...

A year he had been searching. No, he had been searching for a few months, but it had been a year since he had his followers start the search. 9 months for a child to grow and another 3 makes a year...since...that night...

Tom took a step back as his mind supplied the answer. I-It can't be... But the proof was right in front of his eyes. He lowered his wand and stared at the bundle in Harry's arms. A baby in his arms. He could only stare in shock as the full impact of this implication made itself known.

A baby...his baby...

My baby... Tom thought dazedly.

Harry panicked as he saw the wand lower and the shock appear in Tom's unguarded blue eyes and he knew he figured it out. "G-Get out," Harry whispered hoarsely.

Tom unconsciously took a step forward, toward Harry, toward his child.

Terror squeezed Harry's heart as Tom stepped toward Wynter and he held her closer, "GET OUT!" he screamed at him.

Tom snapped out of his daze and looked at Harry's wild green eyes to the crying child in his arms.

"Get out! Get out!" Harry continued screaming, hysterical.

Tom took a step back and then another; keeping his eyes on Harry and his baby.

Then he was gone.

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