Chapter 45

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Ashes' POV:

'So much for trying to avoid my problems...' Sighing lightly, I shifted my weight for what felt like the tenth time in five minutes. However, I was nowhere near comfortable. I was currently in his room, which was eerily similar- if not the exact replica- of my own, aside from the color. Dark blues were spread out everywhere in the dining/living room, including the small loveseat I am awkwardly occupying.

I can't say I'm surprised; this is, after all, a hotel. High quality, at that. Of course the rooms will look similar to each other. Though, the dark theme of the blue seemed to fit his aura so well, coincidentally. Beautiful, none the less.

Too bad I can't really enjoy it. I was uncomfortable to say the least! I shouldn't have agreed to talk to him when he asked. After the initial shock of accidently bumping into him- something i've been doing a lot with people lately- I was going to walk off as if nothing happened. But, his eyes... My brow twitched in annoyance and I clench my jaw. Those dark orbs of his do a damn good job of keeping someone captive with asserted dominance.

  'Or maybe it's because he's rich and I know he can hide my body without getting caught?'

I paused, eyes widening slightly. 'I should probably lay off the murder mystery shows with Logan for awhile...'

"Is there something wrong?"

My eyes snap over to Kyoya as he walks over to me, carrying a silver tray in both hands that holds two tea cups, small saucers, a small bowl of sugar cubes and a teapot. Gently placing the tray onto the table in front of me, he straightens up and meets my eyes, raising an eyebrow.

I shake my head slightly. "No."

"Hmm... Is that so?" He doesn't break his gaze as he takes a seat across from me into the identical looking small couch.

"You seemed to be deep in thought about something."

"Just looking for an escape route in case you try anything funny." Sarcasm lacing my voice as I roll my eyes.

He didn't miss a beat. "You mean like you did with our meeting almost a full day ago?"

I glared, but it didn't phase him. He just continued to watch me. 'Damn, looks like we're getting into this now.'

"Is that what you're calling it? A 'meeting'?" I ask, making air quotes. "You couldn't have called it something else?"

"I'll take that as a yes." He said simply.

"Would you have thought otherwise?"

"No, not particularly." He picked up his cup and took a sip, closing his eyes. "You were always doing that."

My jaw clenched. "...Running away?"

"In a way, yes."

"..." I didn't know what to say to that and he didn't bother saying anything else, either. He just continued to sip his tea. The atmosphere around us started to feel awkward and for the sake of not looking uncomfortable in front of him, I grabbed the extra cup from the tray and brung it to my lips. Taking a small sip, my body instantly relaxes as the taste of cinnamon and other spices comes through.

'Spiced Black tea. My favorite...' I sigh softly and take another sip. 'I haven't had this in awhile.'

His voice, which was low, caught me off guard as he spoke up again. "May I ask why?"

"You just did." I pointed out, looking at him again and our eyes lock. Now, I'm just trying to get a real reaction out of him. This conservative look doesn't suit him well and it seems like he's trying to hold something back.

No One Left To Trust... (JR/SIH/OHSHC CROSSOVER) BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now