Chapter 26

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I am not sorry for this😊 I have been tagged by: faithavery9114  so now I tag YOU!

It says to tag your 20 favorite accounts, but since I don't know that many people, here's my pick😂 goodluck!


Y'all don't have to do it back😂

But, for my other sugar cubes:  Gomen for the long wait! Hope you enjoy the chapter😘

Ashes POV:

  'This has to be a coincidence, right? Surely she didn't just say the name from my dreams....' I think frantically, staring blankly into the eye of the woman in front of me. Her dark colored eyes filled with more tears as she stared back, a pleading look on her face. When she takes another step toward me, I couldn't help but flinch back. I couldn't help it. Maybe it was the feeling of dread that just started spreading through my body after hearing that name, or just the fact that this woman called me that.

All I know is that I don't like the name. Dream or not.

"What's happened to you, Zoe?" She asks- almost pleading me. "How come you don't remember me?"

"Look." I start nervously, trying not yo hurt her feelings. I hold up my hands in front of me so she couldn't get closer. "I think you have me mistaken for someone else-"

"No!" She yells, cutting me off and nearly scaring the crap about of me because it was so loud. "I don't! I could never forget your eyes!"

She grabs both of my hands and squeezes them, all while looking me directly in the eyes. Now, at this point, I'm very uncomfortable and it doesn't help that her face is literally inches away from mine. I nervously turn my head and sweat drop as she starts to sob again.

"Can you... P-please back up a bit...?" I mumble, trying to pull my hands away from hers gently without seeming rude. "You're too close-"

"Zoeeeeeee!" She sobs loudly and in a flash, I'm back in her arms, being suffocated by her chest. 'Goo Lord! This woman is crazy!' I squeal in surprise, but due to my face being squashed between her breasts, it comes out like a small squeak. Though, it goes unheard by her due to all her crying. At this point, I'm not only annoyed, but scared for my life. I'm really starting to loose breath here!

No One Left To Trust... (JR/SIH/OHSHC CROSSOVER) BOOK 3Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora