Chapter 2

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A/N: don't play the song until I tell you, thanks ❤️

Ashes POV:

I drop the pile of dirty dishes into the sink and wipe my forehead with sigh. In the few months since my birthday, it's started to get hot and it's getting me annoyed. And not just the heat, it's the damn crowd that's been coming in every week. I mean, it's good that we're getting business and all and I do love it when people enjoy my singing, but I hate people. Especially a large group like this...which means more dirty dishes.

I sigh again and grab a sponge. Just as I start to add the dish soap, I hear the door swing open behind me.

"Hey, Ash. Mark is looking for you." Logan says, walking over to me. She stops when she's right by the sink and leans her back against it, a tired look on her face.

"Song?" I mumble, scrubbing a small plate.

Logan hums before crossing her arms. "All I know is that it's a duet with that creepy nephew of his and his band."

I lightly groan and throw the sponge into the sink. Of course it has to be Mark's perverted nephew, Brandon. He's a good singer and I don't mind singing with him, but he constantly flirts with Logan and I even though we told him countless that we're not interested. Yet, he never listens.

Logan giggles as I take off my uniform. "I know, I know. I don't like him either. Just try not to let him get to you this time and just focus on the song, okay?"

"Fine." I say.

She smiles at me and takes my place in front of the sink. "I got it from here. Don't worry."

I nod my head before walking away, slipping off my apron. All that was left was a long sleeved, white button up shirt, my black work pants and my black and white sneakers. I pull my purple hair into a high ponytail before stepping out of the kitchen. Without looking at anyone, I make my way towards the front of the cafe where I see Brandon and two of his friends, one on electric guitar, the other on drums. Brandon himself was holding another guitar, his back to me as I walked up behind him.

"Okay guys," he says. "We can start as soon as Ash gets here-"

"Here." I say bluntly, cutting him off and making him turn around fast.

His surprised face melts into, what I think is, a seductive smirk. Brandon has brown hair, black eyes. He was tall, like really tall, my guess about 6 foot? I don't really know. He was muscular, but they weren't 'buff', a pretty decent size and if he wasn't such a pervert, I would say he was cute.

"Well, that was fast. Did you want to see me that badly?" He asks, wiggling his brows.

I give him a blank look and walk past him. I grab one of the song sheets from his band mates and stare at the song. Of course he would want to sing this song with me.

"Happy about the song, babe?" Brandon asks, putting his arm around me while his friends snicker. I give them a cold look before twisting his arm off of my shoulders.

"Whatever." I mumble, walking up towards the front and standing in front of the main mic.

  Brandon chuckles a bit before taking his place beside me, his two friends doing the same as Brandon starts to introduce us. As people start to settle down, I take in a deep breath, trying to channel my inner emotions. Yeah, I know. It's probably weird, but it helps me put feelings into what I sing and this song uses the kind of emotions that I've never least, not from before three years ago.

No One Left To Trust... (JR/SIH/OHSHC CROSSOVER) BOOK 3Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora