Chapter 1

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Jade's POV:

As soon as I make it to Kyoya's private office, I hear a deep grunt followed by a light bump from something falling. 'He's going crazy again...' I huff and knock on the door while balancing the two coffee's in one hand. There's a light shuffling sound before his deep, muffled voice comes through the door.

"Come in."

I swing own the door with my hip and stroll in, the coffee cups in  both of my hands. My eyes instantly spot the Shadow King with his head facedown on his silver laptop, a depressed aura coming from him. I roll my eyes at his figure before walking over and hitting him on the head with one of the cups.

"Get up, you lazy bum. Better get this coffee before I drink it myself." I say, setting the cup right next to his head. He lets out a deep chuckle before lazily lifting his head and grabbing the cup.

"Is it necessary for you to call me such inappropriate names, Ms. Takatsuki?" He asks, taking a sip.

I shrug and lean against the pure white walls, taking a sip of my own coffee. Extra cream and sugar, just the way I like it.

"Oh please. Since when do I ever say things appropriate, Kyoya?" I scoff.

"True. But, I'm highly certain that I'm not the one who's lazy."

"Oh really? Because last I checked, I was the one traveling every month looking for someone." I roll my eyes, then frown. "And you can stop with the formalities, creep. You know I hate that."

He nods. "Very well."

'Crap. Serious atmosphere.' I hum and set down my coffee. I then walk over to the side of his desk and pick up his pencil holder before setting it back on his desk.

"Anything new you need to tell me?" I ask seriously, looking around.

He sighs. "If there was, you would be the first to know."

"Damn right, I am." I say. "But, damn. Really? Nothing at all?"

"I'm afraid so."

I let out a deep breath then close my eyes. "Not even a report on a dead body?"

"Well, there were a few-"

"What?!" I snap my eyes open and look at him, my eyes wide.

He gives me a small smile before shaking his head. "-But, they were all male."

I glare at him. "Not funny, you ass. I nearly had a heart attack!"

"My apologies..."

I growl at him and walk over to my coffee. I grab it and take a huge gulp, letting the heat from it calm me. 'Dammit, Kyoya. I really thought she was dead for a second. That would mean we were looking for a damn corps all these years...'

"It's good to see I'm not the only one who believes she's still alive..." Kyoya mumbles.

I glance at him, my cup pressed against my lips. "Of course I do. Everyone, except Tamaki, Haruhi and Hikaru, thinks she's still alive. Besides, she's not allowed to die without me!"


"...Well, that and the fact that if she was dead, she would haunt me." I giggle. "And that hasn't happened at all."

Kyoya shakes his head at me. "I can only imagine. Zoe would always joke about death with you."

"Uh huh. She even said that she would hide my food from me if she was ghost." I pout. "The meanie..."

No One Left To Trust... (JR/SIH/OHSHC CROSSOVER) BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now