Chapter 32

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A/N: Don't play the song until I say😊

Ashes POV:

'How exactly did I get into this predicament again?' I ask myself, looking down at the stuff in front of me. Valor had set up a small studio like place for me behind the curtain. I wasn't too keen on the placement of where I was. It is literally behind the main curtain leading out to the play, which means if one wrong move is made, I'll be exposed. It wouldn't really be a problem considering the fact that actors/actresses often sing live. Though earlier backstage, I overheard someone talking about that girl Benio and how she takes her shows seriously, so everything should be perfect, followed by a very graphic threat.

The threat itself doesn't bother me. What did bother me, however, was the fact that I had to sing live for Logan. Valor and Benio made it very clear to use a different voice, one that would be loosely mimicked like Logan's as the Queen of Hearts. Singing, I love. Voice acting? About that...

At least the equipment was nice. There was an expensive looking keyboard and attachable mic that was connected to so many wires that lead way back stage, front stage and even to the large speakers at the very top near the lights.

'Oh yeah, I was kidnapped and forced against my will...'

"Stop frowning. You'll get wrinkles." Valor says, rushing over to me to finish setting up. "And I don't want to have you redo your makeup again."

"I wasn't frowning." I huff, looking down at his bent frame. "I'm pouting."

"And why is that?"

"Well, for one thing, I'm being forced to sing and play the keyboard live." I glance up at the large, red velvet curtain with uneasiness. "You know if I get exposed, the crowd will come for me, right?"

I didn't have to look at them to know they rolled their eyes. "As if you're scared."

"Well, you're right. But, I don't think anyone really wants an angry crowd running at them..."

"Point taken." They say, standing up and wiping their hands off. "But, you're our only option right now."

"You guys couldn't record the actual song or something?" I ask, biting my lip and making Valor chuckle at me as they adjust the mic.

"Nope!" They say, popping the 'p'. "We lost the original recording and don't have time you find it. Besides, Logan said she can't sing and taken from your performance earlier, you love to sing so it shouldn't be a problem."

"Well.... It's not a problem, but-"

"No buts!" They cut me off with a laugh and set the mic closer to my lips. "When I give you the que, press this button and it'll all turn on. You remember what I taught you, right?"

I nod. "Yes, but-"

"Then the rest is up to you." They smile and Pat my head, making me pout even more. "Just do what feels right and you will be fine."

Before I could try to question them again, the lights dim, signaling the start of the next act. Valor gives me a small, reassuring smile before quickly moving towards the far corner of the curtain. Not too far do I can't see them, but far enough away so I can't talk to them.

I sigh and look at the curtain, already starting to get bored. 'As if to make things worse, I can't even see what happens. At least I can hear what's going on. Sorry, Logan...' My thoughts get cut off when the sound of the next song comes on from the speaker. I immediately know what scene it is and I can't help but feel envious. I don't get to see the cards! Damn it!

No One Left To Trust... (JR/SIH/OHSHC CROSSOVER) BOOK 3Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя