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A/N: hello everyone!

If you are reading this, welcome to book 3! Thank you for sticking with me throughout the first two books and I honestly hope you like this one. Leave comments on what you think, I like getting feedback....just don't be harsh🙄 anyway, I hope you like it and...ON WITH THE STORY!

P.s: don't play the song until I tell you!

Third person POV:

  "I see you guys made it to America in one piece." Kyoya says into the phone as he types away on his computer.

"If we didn't, we wouldn't be calling, now would we?" Tamaki chuckles from the other end of the phone.

Kyoya smirks a bit while shaking his head. "No. I suppose not, Tamaki."

Said blonde chuckles at his best friend's comment before continuing.

"Let Mori and Honey-senpai know that we got here safe." He says.

"But, of course."

Tamaki pauses, then lowers his voice. "How is everyone, since we left?"

Kyoya sighs and leans back in his chair. "The same as always, I suppose. Faith is constantly pushing us away, especially Hikaru on some days. Him, Demyx and Kaoru try their best to get her out of the house."

"Ah. I see. And Jade?"

Kyoya hums. "Still persistent in finding Zoe. She drags Mori-senpai and Honey-senpai over here everyday just help, you know that. And of course, Kazu..."

Tamaki laughs softly. "Of course she does." His voices gets serious. "How are you doing?"




"You still think she's alive." Tamaki states, sighing.

Kyoya lets out a dry laugh and closes his eyes. "I don't think, Tamaki. I know she is."

"It's been three years, Kyoya." Tamaki says slowly. "Three years and no information on where she is, or if she's even still alive-"

"Or dead." Kyoya interrupts bluntly. "They didn't find a body."

Tamaki sighs. "That doesn't mean-"

"Let me talk to him." A soft voice says in the background. There's a soft shuffle, the a feminine voice appears on the other end.


"Haruhi." Kyoya greets.

"I understand that you loved her-we all did." Haruhi says. "But, it's been three years and not a word from anyone, or any place we've checked, has had a report on any missing person."

Kyoya stands up slowly from his chair and stares blankly at the wall in front of him.

"Kyoya?" Haruhi calls when she doesn't get an answer.

"...I'm here." Kyoya says lowly.

He can can already see Haruhi's frown as she speaks into the phone.

"We all miss her, Kyoya. You weren't the only one who lost her..." Her voice becomes softer. "We'll call everyday to check in on you and everyone else. Try not to think about her too much."

Without saying goodbye, Kyoya ends the call. The room is eerily quiet as he just stands there, not saying, or doing anything.

'You're wrong...she is alive. I don't know how and I don't know where, but I know she's alive...'

No One Left To Trust... (JR/SIH/OHSHC CROSSOVER) BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now