Chapter 28

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Third person POV:

"I seem to be seeing your face more frequently around here."

Yoshio Ootori stood straight and poised, his hands folded sternly behind his back as he faces away from his desk. His dark colored orbs stare strictly into the morning sky, exposed grandly by the oak paved window pane that framed the enlarged window. The morning sun exposed light into his well organized office, but because he was standing directly in front of the window, it casted a dark shadow over his body.

From across the room, a certain white haired male clears his throat. "I suppose so. But, all for good reason."

"And what reason would that be, Mr. Asami?" Yoshio asks, not turning around.

Moving forward, Kazu stops right in front of the head Ootori's desk. "You know I prefer Kazu, Mr. Ootori."

"What is your reason for being here?"

Kazu's eyes narrowed for a second at Yoshio's repeated question, but shrugs it off. "I pretty sure you know by now."

"Enlighten me, Mr. Asami."

Kazu rolls his eyes. 'I can see why Kyoya has so much patience with this man. He's had his whole life to get used to it.' He thought. Not saying a word, he swiftly pulled a picture out of his jacket pocket and held it up to Yoshio. The Head Ootori turned around and stepped forward, gazing at the picture before him. It was a picture of Ashes and Kyoya, the day they saw her at the mall. Kyoya's face and body we're half in and half out in the shot, but it showed a clear view of Ashes' face, so close, you can see the tiny, almost faded scar on her right cheek. One of her eyebrows were raised, covered slightly by her grey-blue hair as she looked at the young Ootori.

"Look familiar to you?" Kazu asks, placing the picture on the desk.

Yoshio hums lowly and straightens his stance, his dark orbs not leaving the picture. "I see you figured it out already."

"How long have you known?"

"I am the head of the company." Yoshio says, raising his gaze to Kazu and lifting his chin high. "I find any and every information I can on anyone I encounter."

He looks back down at the picture. "However, it was easy to put two and two together when someone looks... Familiar."

Kazu nods, his sea blue eyes never leaving the man's face. "What do you know?"

"She told me she was adopted three years ago in New York City." Yoshio says, turning away from Kazu and back towards the window. "She mentioned that she had no memories of who she was or her parents were before she met them. So out of curiosity, I did a little research of my own..."

Yoshio turns and bends down behind the desk. Kazu watches as said man pulls open the bottom drawer, pulls out a large black folder before closing it again. Straightening back up, he holds it out to Kazu, who takes the folder and opens it up.

It was a hospital document on a patient...

"New York Presbyterian Hospital, 2016. A young, unidentified girl was found lying in Central Park, clothes ripped and bloody and body bruised from head to toe. 
Though she looked to be dead, the couple- Jack and Lorraine Tetchubanah- immediately brought her to the hospital. On closer inspection, the young girl seemed to have been beaten before because there were old scars amongst the new: medium sized whip lashes scattered across her back, taking the shape of a tree.
Aside from the scars and bruises, her right arm was fractured and a bullet hole going clean through her chest- just missing her heart." Kazu read out loud, skipping over the eye color, hair color/type as well as age and height, until her saw something that caught his attention the most.

No One Left To Trust... (JR/SIH/OHSHC CROSSOVER) BOOK 3Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ