Chapter 20

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Ashes POV:

'What...the I doing...?' I think to myself as I take a small sip of my tea. I was currently sitting down on a lavish, off white sofa, in a hotel room that was somewhat identical to mine and Logan's, except it was more bigger and was obviously a suite.
Who's room might this be? Well, this room belongs to the man I bumped into in the Hall a few minutes ago.

Who just so happens to be sitting across from me right now.

We were currently sitting in awkward silence. Or rather, I was awkward and trying not to show it, while he was sitting there watching me with those sharp, dark colored eyes. Whether or not he knew this was awkward, he didn't show it. He is a damn good actor if I've ever seen one though because I don't know how he can sit there with a straight face.

But, then again, I never show emotion either.

'Why did I even come here?' I ask, taking another sip of my tea. 'Oh, right. I apologized for Logan's rude behavior a few days ago and he invited me into his suite for tea to talk about it... And I followed, like an idiot. Am I trying to get killed?'

My eyes aimlessly wander around the room, trying to do at least something to pass the time. His eyes, on the other hand, never waver from my face. It's like he's studying me and he's not even trying to hide it. It's creeping me out. 'Why did I come here? I don't even know his name...'

"Um..." I speak up, finally looking at him. "I know I said this already. But, I sincerely apologize for my sister's behavior before.... And bumping into you twice."

I bow as much as I can while still sitting on the couch, which probably looks a bit weird to him.

"It is quite alright." He says smoothly, making me look up at him. "It is I who should be apologising for not watching where I was going."

"Uh huh..." I mumble, straightening back up slowly and grabbing my tea cup again. 'For Someone who speaks smoothly, it didn't sound so convincing.... Is he planning something?' That awkward silence falls back on us once more, the only sounds were the clinking of our cups hitting the plates as we set them back down or picked them up again.

How I am not loosing my mind from the silence is beyond me.

'Someone please take me out of my misery. This is brutal....'

"You mentioned earlier that the woman you were with was your sister." He speaks up, startling me a bit. "You two look nothing alike."

'Okay. Odd way to start a conversation...' I eye him a bit before speaking up.

"Well, we're not blood related. I was adopted."

His eyes seemed to perk up with what looks like interest. I watch a he sits up straighter, tilting his head slightly. "Adopted?"

I nod, hesitating a bit. "Three years ago, actually."

He raises an eyebrow at that. "So, a teen. What about your real parents?"

What's with all the questions? I shake my head, keeping my face free of any emotion as a pang of sadness washes over me at the mention of them.

"What about them?" I ask bluntly, taking another sip of tea.

"Didn't they have a say in your adoption?"

I lower my gaze to the floor, setting my cup down as well. "I wouldn't know. I don't remember who they are. Or rather, were at this point. I have amnesia..."

No One Left To Trust... (JR/SIH/OHSHC CROSSOVER) BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now