Chapter 4

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Ashes POV:


'Huh? Where the hell am I?' I think to myself as I look around. I was surrounded by nothing but fog, it's smoke-like presence giving the slightly dark atmosphere a ghostly appearance. I slowly reach my left hand out, my fingers slipping through the thin fog as I stand there. As my hand reaches out further, a glint from my fingers catches my attention and I look down at my hand, only to frown when I see my Sapphire teardrop ring, placed perfectly on my ring finger.

'When did I put this on?' I think to myself, slowly pulling my hand back. I hold my hand to my chest as I stare at the ring. 'I never wear this ring...'


My gaze instantly snaps forward when I hear a deep voice. My blue orbs land on a figure in front of me, but since they were covered by shadows, I couldn't see them properly. I squint as the figure starts to walk slowly towards me. As they get closer, I can tell that it was a guy and I start to make out his features.

He was tall and well built- but not buff. He looked to be my age with short, black hair, glasses and really nice clothes. He was very handsome, but the thing that made me wonder, were his dark eyes. There were like a deep, dark purple-grey color, with and even darker purple riming the irises. Almost like an Onyx gem.

I'm broken out of my thoughts when he stops in front of me. I look up at him as he stares into my eyes, his own supporting a look of longing and familiarity. I frown a bit. 'Do I know him?'

I was about to open my mouth and ask, but stop short when he suddenly grabs my left hand. I watch curiously as he closes his eyes and brings my knuckles to his lips and gently kisses them. I feel my heartbeat quicken and my stomach flutter as he opens his eyes and looks directly at me, my hand still close to his mouth.

I keep a straight face as much as I can, but on the inside, I'm so confused. His presence- his aura- holds a sense of authority to it, mixed with passion and danger. It feels so familiar- like I've always been surrounded by this feeling. And for some reason, it's he comforts me just by being near me, or even just looking at me.

Who is he?

I blink up at him, unable to find my voice to speak. His eyes never leave mine as his lips slowly spread into a smile that makes my heartbeat speed up once more. Before I know what's happening, his free arm wraps around my waist and he pulls me closer to him, his other hand still holding onto mine.

Despite having confused feelings toward this stranger, I let myself get silently pulled to his chest. I watch as his eyes flick towards my ring for a second, before closing. Letting out a deep sigh, he lowers my hand and leans forward until his forehead is pressed against mine.

I close my eyes as well as he lets go of my hand and firmly wraps his arms around my waist. On instinct, my own arms reach up and wrap round his neck, my body involuntary moving closer to his. His warm breath softly kisses my face, sending pleasant shivers down my spine and making me come back to reality a bit.

'What am I doing? I don't even know him...but, why does it feel as if I do?' I think as I slowly pull away and open my eyes. His eyes open when I move and his arms stop me from going any further as he looks into my eyes. I look at him with confusion as his emotionless gaze suddenly hold sadness.

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