Chapter 14

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Ashes POV:

  It's been a few days since our night at the club and I'm back at work. For the first three days since we've been back to work, it's been non stop of people asking me if I was okay. Not to mention arguing with Yokozowa about my being careless. Takano even asked me to take a break for the week.

Because of my stubbornness and the fact that I would be bored to death if I stayed in my apartment, I declined. Logan was not happy with that decision, but she couldn't really do anything about it except argue. In the end, she left me alone, but she often had people check up on me daily. Which is annoying as hell. Not because I disliked it- I didn't really mind. It was just that time of the month again.

Yes. The very core of the problem with being and editor: publishing week. Where everyone rushes around doing last minute editing, final drawings and serious checking. The fact that everyone at least checks on me five times a day is not helping them. I mean, I don't have to do that much because I'm just an assistant to Aikawa-san right now, but having them doing all that work while still looking after me is beyond stressful. I'm not a child. I could handle myself just fine.

Speaking on child....

"Aikawa-san, get up." I say bluntly, walking into her office.

She was currently sprawled on the floor behind her desk, her face planted into the floor with papers scattered everywhere around her. She was supposed to be working on editing a very important author's book right now for the deadline, but since the author missed it- which isn't the first time- Aikawa had to work all night and all day to finish it. Which explains the reason as to why she's on the floor, playing dead.

"Ashes...... I need your help... " She mumbles from the ground. I sigh and turn to her after setting a bunch of documents on her desk.

"Yes, Aikawa?"

She slowly lifts her head up from the floor. Her face held so much fatigue, I almost felt sorry for being blunt. Her eyes weren't even open and she had massive bags under her eyes. Her skin is what really scared me- it was a deathly shade of grey. She slowly lifts up an envolope and looks up at me emploringly.

"H-Hatori.... Give it... To him-"

I grab the letter as she falls right back down with a light thump. In a matter of seconds, she's fallen asleep, lightly snoring. I sigh in frustration and tuck the letter into my pants before helping her into her chair- which is not easy. She may not be fat, but she's heavy as hell. It took all of my strength to get her into her damn seat, which wasn't much.

Don't judge me, okay? It's not my fault I don't work out much...

Once I get her into her chair and make sure she's comfortable, I slip out of her room once again and make my way down to Emerald. People were rushing around, bumping into each other and stepping on their feet trying to make their final projects perfect as I walk. I almost fell a few times from people rushing past me as I made my way to the elevator.

When I got off, it wasn't much better. In fact, it was even worse. People were dropping their papers and pens, others were already half dead and those who weren't were getting yelled at by Takano and Yokozawa, which was mostly Kisa, Onodera, Mino and Hatori. I don't even want to mention the smell...

"Ashes! If you're not here for anything important, leave!" Takano yells, breaking me from my thoughts. His yelling doesn't faze me, though. Not in the slightest. I know it's mostly due to the stress levels of this week, so I don't take it personal.

However, I dislike being yelled at.

I pull out the letter from my pocket and hold it up as I walk into the pink department. "I'm looking for Hatori."

No One Left To Trust... (JR/SIH/OHSHC CROSSOVER) BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now