Chapter 9

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Ashes POV:

'Forgetting is just forgetting, except when it's not. Then they call it something else.'

I let out a short huff of breath as I read one of the famous quotes from Alice in Wonderland. I reread the quote before closing the book and laying it down in my lap. Forgetting, huh? The Mad Hatter is correct with that, I guess. Except, you don't know what you're forgetting. Once you forget it, it's hard to remember and once you remember, its hard to forget. You get my point?

Though, it is quite confusing. When forgetting is forgetting, but then it's not forgetting when it's not. Once you remember it, it cannot be forgotten. So, something you have forgotten, cannot be forgotten if you remember it. For some, it may be easy to remember.

But, for others like me? It is hard to remember...whatever it is.

And for me, it is my whole past life before three years ago.

I sigh and lean back in Ms. Aikawa's chair, gently closing my eyes. I've been thinking about it a lot. My past. To think I actually forgotten who I was from before I woke up in that hospital in America. What's funny is that no one knew who I was either- even Logan's mother and father didn't know and they were the ones who found me.

I scoff at that. 'Found me'. Makes me sound like I was a lost puppy they picked up off the street. Though...that's not far from how they found me. I don't exactly believe that they found me in the park, covered in dirt and blood, a bullet whole going clean through the place just between my shoulder and neck. They told me my amnesia was triggered from that one bullet and if I had moved my head while being shot, I would've died from blood loss. It was literally inches from hitting a vein and if they hadn't had found me, I would've died alone in that park.

Crazy story, right? And coming them, of all people. Although, I can't really complain. They did save my life- even if it's one that I can't remember. I can, however, complain about how terrible parents they were to me and Logan. I cant really call them my parents and neither can Logan. According to "dad", they couldn't conceive kids, so, like me, Logan was adopted-but, at the age of five. It tool awhile, though, because of their extremely bad habits. Mom being a drunk and dad sleeping around behind her back. They never abused, or mistreated Logan and I, but they did ignore us most of the time. For, about, two years they did...until they both passed away last year. Mom from Alcohol poisoning and dad from AIDS.

Ironic, right?

How Logan could stand this for her whole life was beyond me. I'm surprised she didn't run away. I may not know how I was from my past life, but I'm pretty sure if I had parents like these, I would've ran away.

Well, I have to say, I'm kinda glad they had the decency to take me in. I'm grateful for that, especially for the chance to have met Logan. Even though we're not related by blood, I'm glad she's my sister.

Opening my eyes, I look up towards the orange ceiling and lean back even more in the chair. Though, I can't help but wonder. How was I like in the past? Was I different from what I am now? Did I have friends? if i did, what were they like? A family? Did they love me?

And most importantly: why did they leave me?

"Daydreaming again, Ash?"

I blink in surprise at the sudden voice from behind me and turn my head towards the door. At the sight of Ms. Aikawa, I stand up and face her.

"Not exactly." I say, holding up my book so she can see. She smiles at me and glances at the book title.

"The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland. Ah! A good read. Though, quite confusing." She tilters her head at me. "Why are you reading that book?"

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