Chapter 37

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Ashes' POV:

I tap my fingers nervously as I wait, extremely uncomfortable. Not long after the enitial shock of Kazu's dramatic introduction of me, their personal doctors along with Yoshio and Kyoya brought me to a small room that ressembled a regular doctor's office, only nicer. They took a cotton swab and ran it inside the side of my cheeks and took two or three strands of my hair for testing. Right after, Yoshio instructed me to wait in one- yes, one-of their lounding areas, which I can only assume is their main living room area. Everything was so clean, sharp and perfect, I felt so ugly even being in here. The walls we're still a nice lavender and indigo and it paired so perfectly with the hardwood floors and white furniture. On of which, the pure white couch, I was sitting on. I was afraid to move wrong, for I felt like I might dirty it by just touching it.

I whole heartedly refuse to move and end up breaking or dirtieing anything in this place. I would never be able to pay them back- hell, I don't think even my ring costs this much.

'It's been 45 minutes already. How long are they planing on leaving me out here? I'm tired....' As if on beat, my stomach lets out the loudest grumble and I sigh. 'And now hungry... Just great...'

"Looks like I can just in time." A soft voice says from behind me, making me jump.

Turing around, Kyoya's sister, Fuyumi I think it was, smiles gently at me. A large tray that looked like it could be made of real silver is balanced in her hands as she glides around the couch to me. I watch her as she sets it down, revealing two evergreen tea cups, kettle, cookies that I think are gingerbread, squared slices of different flavors of cake and a small pitcher of what I think is either milk or cream. I stare shyly at the sweets, my stomach making a small growling noise again. I feel my cheeks heat up when Fuyumi giggles and sits down beside me.

"Please, help yourself." She says sweetly, but I can tell she was a bit off. "It's cocoa. Cremé too, if you would like. I can also have someone bring in marshmallows and whipped cream if you'd like?"

I was too nervous to speak, so I nodded instead. She smiles back nervously and takes out a small bell, ringing it twice and a second later, a butler dressed in all black comes in, carrying another small silver tray with both whipped cream and a small cup of marshmellows. The butler, who was very tall and goodlooking, glances at me. I let out a small smile of thanks, slightly bowing my head. He doesn't smile or show any emotion on his face, but one of his hazel colored eyes winked at me before being covered by his long, dark brown bangs as he stands up.

"Will that be all, Ms. Oorori?" He asks politely, bowing.

Fuyumi nods. "Yes, Masuki. Thank you."

Masuki bows once more and without a single word, he leaves the room. Once it was just the two of us again, Fuyumi picks up the kettle and starts to fill up our cups. When she's done, she looks at me and gestures to the food once more. I nod, taking the cream and whipped cream and adding it to my cocoa. She silently does the same.

Grabbing my cup with both hands, I blow on it before bringing it to my lips to take a sip. The warm, sweet liquid comforts me and I close my eyes, sighing. This had to the the best cocoa I've ever tasted. It was definitely high quality, something only the rich could afford.

"Is it to your liking?" Fuyumi asks suddenly. I almost forgot she was here.

I open my eyes and nod. "Yes, thank you."

That nervous smile of hers shows up again. "So polite, as usual."

For second, my body freezes. But then relaxes as I look down. "You believe I'm her too, don't you?"

No One Left To Trust... (JR/SIH/OHSHC CROSSOVER) BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now