Chapter 6

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Ashes POV:

"It's great to feel the sun's rays again..." a soft voice says from beside me, making me groan and slowly open my eyes.

I blink twice as my vision clears and focus' on the fence in front of me. I frown slightly in confusion and slowly look around me. My frown deepens when I see that I'm in a dirt-based field of some sort. From across the field, I spot a tall, dark building...well, more like tower. From what I could see, it barely had any windows and it looked as if it were made of steel as it gave off a dark eerie feeling.

My eyes slowly drift away from the building and back to the fence- which, I now realize, goes around the whole field. I blink twice and glance up, noticing that the fence itself had to be about 30 feet high. Glancing through the chains, multiple trees stand tall and proud. A forrest?

I hum lowly as my eyes go back and forth between the building, fence and forrest.

'I don't know why, but for some reason....I feel like I know this place...'

Low laughter from beside me breaks me out of my thoughts as that person starts to talk.

"Looks like the sun feels so good, she's day dreaming again."

My gaze snaps to my left and my eyes land on an older looking girl- probably my age- with slightly long, dark blue hair. She has olive skin and a slightly masculine build. When her eyes turn to me, I'm surprised to see the right one a dark blue and the left one a bright red.

'I've never seen that before....but, who's this-'

"Leave her alone, Kevona. Let her be in her own world."

Beside the girl- "Kevona", apparently- sits a shorter girl with piercing purple eyes and straight, black hair that fell in waves down her back. She couldn't have no more than 11 years young. She was wearing what looked to be a long shirt that had multiple rips and holes and was completely dirty. "Kevona" was wearing the same thing.

Kevona waves her off. "Oh hush, shortie. I call it as I see it."

"You know, it's not nice to call people names- and don't even think about calling me that name, or you're dead!" A voice says from below me, making me jump in surprise. I look down in my lap to see a mane of bright red curls. Large green eyes glare at Kevona as the girl gets up and towers above us- though, not by much. She seems to be very, very petite. 'How the hell did I not notice she was there?'

Kevona, who seems to be older, smirks at the redhead. "Oh? And what are you going to do if I don't listen, shorty?"

'Why do I feel like he said something he shouldn't and why does this seem so familiar?'

"Excuse me?!" She yells, standing up abruptly.

The girl beside Kevona shakes her head while moving a bit closer to me. "You've done it now, Kevona..."

I sweat drop as the little redhead points at the Kevona. "You-"

"Unless you want them to see you guys having fun, I'd suggest you keep your playful banter quiet."

At the sound of a new voice, I turn my gaze to my left. My eyes widen at the sight of a tall guy with long, pure white hair and sea blue eyes. He was also dressed in rags, but he looked good in them. His aura came off as mischievous and for some reason...I get the feeling that me and him are close.

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