Chapter 3

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Hiroki's POV:

  With an exhausted sigh, I close the door behind me as I walk into the house. After taking off my shoes and putting my jacket up, I walk forward while loosening my tie. A hot cup of coffee will help relax me before going to bed. I'm not much hungry today anyway.

As I walk into the living room, the sound of running footsteps make their way down the hall. I glance up as Nowaki strolls into the room, a smile on his face.

"Welcome home, Hiro-san. How was work?" He asks, walking up to me. I stare at him for a few seconds before turning my head away with closed eyes.

"It was alright, I guess." I say bluntly. Without waiting for him to respond, I start to walk past him, but he stops me by grabbing my arm.

"Hiro-san, talk to me. Please?"

I feel my heart clench at the sound of his voice and look down. He wants me to talk about her again. But, I can't. It brings me so much pain to think about Zoe...our daughter... I clench my fists as his hand holds my arm firmly. I don't even want to know the look on his face right now.

I pull my arm away, not looking at him as I make my way out of the room.

"I'll be in my office grading papers." I say stiffly. "And don't bother with dinner, I'll eat later."

I quickly leave the room before he can say anything else to me and walk into the office, quickly shutting the door behind me. I lean my back against the wall, my head tilting back as I feel myself being filled with sadness.

  I should've been more there for her. I know she needed her space and privacy, but I am her father. I should've made her tell me what was going on-.... I feel my eyes filling with tears, but I push them back and bring my hand to my head.

We lost her again...and this's forever...

I slowly turn my head towards my desk , looking directly at the picture frames. I breath heavily and walk over to them, carefully picking up the first one. It was of Zoe, sleeping on the floor. Nowaki and I had been looking for her around the house and ended up finding her asleep on her bedroom floor, instead of the bed. I was going to put her to bed, when Nowaki thought it was a great idea to put cat ears on her and take a picture of her because she looked so cute and sweet while asleep. As creepy as that sounds, it was true. She looked so sweet and I let him do it.

 I set the picture down and move to the next one

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I set the picture down and move to the next one. When my eyes land on it, I can't stop the tears from coming, threatening to fall from my eyes as I stare at the frame.

"You two looked so sweet in that picture."

My eyes widen a bit as Nowaki wraps his arms gently around my waist. I relax into him as he pulls me to his chest, looking at the picture.

No One Left To Trust... (JR/SIH/OHSHC CROSSOVER) BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now