Part 10 - Arguing

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Shirou: Is this about right?

Kazuto: ...

Currently, AT MIDNIGHT! Shirou is making tea with Tohsaka's tea set and Tohsaka arrives with Saber.

Rin: Shirou, Kazuto, do you both mind?

Shirou: Sure, I'll be right there.

Kazuto: (Why was I called here for? And Saber... She goes to the Temple, didn't she?)

Shirou pass Rin the tea set.

Rin: Thanks, that'll be all.

Shirou: What're she doing up? I thought she was sleeping.

Rin: She came to just now. Her body temporarily shut itself down, that's all. Here, Kazuto. *Gives Tea cup to Kazuto*

Kazuto: *received tea cup* Thanks... *proceeds to drink and put it on the table* it wasn't a long-lasting sleep, right?

Rin: Yeah.

Shirou: Oh, really? Saber, why did you do that?

Saber: ...

Kazuto: Oh boy...


Saber: I went to Ryudou Temple and fought an Assassin Servant. We sensed the presence of a third Servant and called off the fight, but...

Shirou: No, what I was asking was, why did you go and fight in the first place?

Saber: Servants fight, it's what we do. As my Master, why do you tell me NOT to fight?

Shirou: Um, I... That's because I...

Saber: Do you believe that doing so will allow you to survive the Holy Grail War?

Shirou: No, I just... Look, I just don't want a girl to get hurt! As a man, I can't let that happen.

Saber: I am a warrior! Do you take me for some frail woman?! I insist that you take back what you said just now!

Shirou: Look, I realized that you might be really tough, but... Don't get hung up over stupid little details, you idiot!

Saber: I should say that it is YOU who are obsessed with trivial details.

Rin and Kazuto: *drink their tea while listening to these two's arguing*

Shirou: In any case, I'd sooner go into battle myself than make you fight!

Saber: You would provide me with as much protection as a sheet of paper, Shirou.

Shirou: That was a little harsh, Saber...

Kazuto: (I mean, it is true.)

Saber: You underestimate the power of Servants. You must think highly of yourself to think that a human being could defeat a servant!

Shirou: ...

Kazuto: So... You wanna step in or what?

Rin: Sure. You misunderstand him, Saber. He isn't underestimating Servants. It's a simple matter of him not wanting to see you get hurt, right?

Shirou: T-That's not true at all! I don't care about...

Rin: You know that you can't beat a Servant yourself, right?

Shirou: ...

Rin: He doesn't want you to get hurt, Saber.

Kazuto: Knowing him. So he'll fight, even though it's crazy. He knows that he won't win, but he tries all the same. He doesn't care that he might die as a result.

Rin: He values the lives of others more than his own.

Saber: ...

Shirou: ...

Saber: Shirou.

Shirou: Now what?

Saber: I will allow you to fight. However, if it is what you want, I have a suggestion.

Shirou: Get to the point, okay?

Saber: Take up sword training. Whenever your schedule permits it, I will train you in the use of a sword.

Shirou: Ah...

Saber: If you agree to my suggestion, I will agree to yours.

Shirou: You mean... Am I going to be doing the fighting from now on?

Rin: Forget about it! Teaching Shirou how to use a sword doesn't mean...that he'll have a hope in hell against a Servant!

Saber: But it's better than knowing nothing at all. At the very least, it will teach him how to keep his cool during battle. Anything beyond that will depend on how determined you are.

Shirou: Yeah! I'm ready anytime you are, lady!

Rin: Now look here, you idiot! You're not exactly in a position to take some leisurely sword classes!

Saber: I know that. We are in a battle. But I insist that Shirou becomes used to battle and experience for himself what "death as a result of battle" truly entails, not just once, but as often as time allows.

Shirou: ...

Saber: I will turn in. You should get some rest, too, Shirou. Tomorrow morning, I am going to make you sweat buckets in the dojo. Good night.

Shirou: Hey, Saber...

Rin: Now you made her serious.

Shirou: Is she angry at me? Or is she...

Rin: Beats me. But now that it's settled, feel free to go die your hero's death. I'll sit by your deathbed.

Shirou: Gee, you're too kind.

Kazuto: *Yawn* I'm going home... See ya tomorrow I guess.

And I go outdoor and teleported back to my apartment...

To be continued...

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