I scoff. "Oh you mean everything you read online? Yeah majority of that is true, was true.. Elle knows about it too."

Sophie looks at me with narrowed eyes, trying to see if that was a lie or not, but I don't give her the opportunity to poke holes in my answer. " You've come here, trying to poke a bear, to say that I am not good enough for her. But you're just as bad as me.." I point out.

"I am not."

"You knew Mia was blackmailing me for money, you knew she was on drugs and you were also giving her money. We both did what we did for that woman because we both have the same interest.. Keeping Elle safe."

"Which is why I am here now, telling you to do the right thing."

"And that is?"

"Stop whatever game you're playing."

I scratch my forehead, trying not to let this all get the better of me, but if I'm honest, it's getting fucking difficult. I'm sick to the back teeth of it all and if I didn't love the woman who was currently asleep in my bed at home, I would have left a lot sooner. Any man would have..

"I don't know why you or Mia think you have a claim over Elle. It's truly baffling me. If I came to you, telling you to do the same, you'd tell me to take a hike... So that's my answer to you. I don't need to justify my feelings for Elle."

"She looks at you like you hung the fucking moon." Sophie bites. "You don't do commitment, you never have from what I've read so what makes Elle any different? She isn't a witch, or some magical fairy, she is a normal woman, like half of Vegas, yet you're willing to give it all up.. Why?"

"What does it have to do with you?" I frown. "You and Mia need to back off both of us. I get you care, but there is caring and there is becoming possessive and controlling."

Nobody needed to know what was happening between myself and Elle. Nobody knew how we worked, how we balanced each other, how addictive her presence was or how she invaded my mind at all hours of the night. Maybe my obsession started right in the beginning, when she ran into me whilst scarpering from a date, the instant fire in her gut when I arranged that second date with Ed for her. My little hell cat.

I tried to stay away, so did she, where one pushed the other pulled. I needed her, but was afraid to let her in, she wanted me but didn't trust me. Until now, where we are finally at a stage of everything being smooth flowing, Mia raises her ugly head and now Sophie, here to throw a spanner in the works. I'm just glad the crew absolutely adore Elle, otherwise I would think we were cursed.

"I'm only looking out for her." She says, glaring at me.

"Are you though? Or is this some jealousy type shit?"

She scoffs. "Is that what you think this is about? Me being jealous? Of Elle, of all people?"

I'm about to reply back with some heat, there's an anger twisting in my gut from her dismissive tone of Elle, when someone speaks. Someone who isn't me.

"Then I'd like to know what the fuck this is about."

I turn and look into the darkness as Elle steps out, a gleam in her eye that I've only seen once, and that was when she was beating Mia's ass. I also hate a part of me when I remember how hot that made me feel. There's my little demon.

My body hums as she comes closer, and I should have sensed her within the museum, maybe I did when I first entered. That vibe, the pull I felt, maybe it wasn't the objects I kept here, but Elle's soul seeking out mine. I know a lot of people don't believe in that shit, not until they experience it. But there was truth in love at first sight, soul mates and pure, unadulterated, raw fucking love. This was all that and more.

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