XXII (Gladiolus)

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"Thanks," Gladiolus said awkwardly, "I thought I might be stuck like that forever."

"No problem," Lalin said cheerfully.

"We should be getting to out next stop," Hazel said.

"Where are we going?" Gladiolus asked.

"Looks like Boston, but I could be wrong. Sadie can you do that thing again?" Hazel asked.


With in a few minutes they were taken to a smallish town with a population of maybe 50,000.

"I wasn't expecting you so soon," said a blonde woman in a gold dress.

"What? Who the hell are you?" Sadie blurted.

"I am Gullveig, the thrice born Norse goddess of gold and enchanted weaponry, one of the Vanir. And another form of Hecate. My form is difficult to control so close to the center of the Norse world."

"So why are we here?" Lalin asked.

"This place is filled with history. 400 years ago I tried to open a school for all demigods and legacies. Children of Freya, followers of Isis, and of course my own children were exceptional at magic, but even those who weren't gifted with these powers could receive my blessing and some powers. At one point I even taught mortals who could see through the mist, but one was not so cooperative. They told the whole town starting a massive witch hunt, killed almost all my students and countless mortals. Something was left behind though. A set of gold rune stones, Lalin I want you to have them."

"Me, but why," he stuttered.

"Your family has always attracted the gods, from Horus, to Apollo and Clio, Odin and Favonius, Dionysus and I. Your bloodline draws us in."

"But the Egyptian gods don't have kids with mortals, how is he a descendant of Horus?" Sadie asked.

"They only did once, when the gods stopped ruling Egypt and left the world to the mortals Horus had one child to decide who would be pharaoh, anyone with the blood of the pharaohs is descended from Horus," Gullveig explained. "Lalin you must find the rune stones, once you have them you'll meet the last two people to join your quest."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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