I (Lalin)

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Lalin was having one of his usual dreams, vivid and impossible to forget. He had read that only people you have seen when you're awake appear in your dreams, but that wasn't true for him. In this dream he was standing next to the people he usually saw in his dreams; a dark skinned girl with cinnamon hair who was about a year younger, a blonde guy with a surfer build, and a shorter boy who wore black - that heavily contrasted the orange and purple everyone else wore - and had thick ebony hair.

The four of them were sitting around a fire with about 130 other kids, the other ones he had seen in his dreams but never interacted with. The flames if the fire began to dance at the wind picked up. Thick fog rolled across the landscape, making it almost impossible to see the person you were talking to. The fog began to merge with a green smoke, "Six demigods shall take a dangerous quest, monsters will be killed with metals that are blessed. Moon's, sun's, and death's children will stop the eclipse, a promise to be fulfilled by the touch of lips. The pillars will stand for the six to destroy, to finally end their true enemy's ploy" said a mysterious voice in the smoke.

Lalin woke from his dream drenched in sweat. He was still living in his grandmother's house even though she had died a month ago, but he didn't have anywhere to go. His dad died in a cruise ship crash, and he had never met his mother but from the stories his dad told of her he knew she was as mysterious and beautiful as the moon, which is why Lalin always wore a crescent moon necklace so even if he had never met her they would be close together.

His grandmother left him a note before she died but Lalin never had the courage to read it, maybe now was the time. He walked through the old farm house and grabbed a blue envelope from a drawer and opened it.

Dear Lalin.

My time left in this world is running to an end and before I go there's a few things you should know.

Your grandfather and your dad were magicians. Descendants of the great kings of Egypt. You have the blood of the pharaohs in you too.

I know who your mother is and you will learn when you get to camp half-blood. A safe place for our kind. Your mother and I worked hard to protect you so an ancient prophecy could be fulfilled.

I am a demigod just like you. I was born in the late 1920's on a vineyard in southern Ontario to the land owners daughter and the God Dionysus. I became a hunter of Artemis until I met your grandfather.

Go to this address before they find you.

3.141 farm road long island New York. Take the orange book under my mattress with you.

After reading that Lalin had felt confused, sad, but hopeful. His grandmother knew his mother. Maybe he could meet her, she is the only family he has left.

Lalin packed the few things he had and bought a bus ticket to New York.

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