VII (Lalin)

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After his demigod siblings showed him where their cabin was Lalin dropped his stuff off and claimed a bed. He didn't have much stuff, just two changes of clothing, the orange book, and his sword so when he put them into the storage compartment under his bed it looked fairly empty.

The Hecate cabin didn't do well at capture the flag but because they were a newer cabin, so they did not have to worry about winning an early shower time as their cabin had four showers inside. While most other people at camp half-blood wore jeans Lalin only brought sweat pants as they fit better in his bag. He didn't bring pyjamas so he slept in sweat pants and a graphic tee.

When he laid down he fell into a dream almost instantly. This dream felt different, he knew he was dreaming and could control his actions. He was placed into a dark void, he could stand on some sort of floor but he couldn't see it. Every direction looked the same except in one direction there was the blonde guy from his dream in the stadium.

Lalin moved towards the boy. The guy was wearing a red t-shirt and grey boxers. Lalin looked at his face which was flushed with embarrassment. Slowly more people appeared in the void. The next one to appear was the ebony haired guy, now he was wearing a plain black tee and black pyjama pants. After him was the dark skinned girl wearing a pastel pink tank top and purple pyjama pants. About 5 minutes later was the other blonde guy who was wearing a yellow version of what the dark haired guy wore. Later was the red haired guy who was shirtless and wearing blue flannel pants. Finally a woman in black robes appeared, "greetings my demigods. You are to leave on your quest tomorrow at sunset." She glanced over at the blonde guy, "Gladiolus, please put on some pants." She waved her hand and now he was wearing denim shorts. "A few other minor gods have agreed to help you on your quest but right now I just want you to get to know each other as well as train our new demigods."

"Excuse me, uh, who are you?" Lalin asked.

"I thought you would recognise your own mother," said Hecate.

"And these people are?" He continued.

"I'm Will, and that's Nico and Hazel. And I don't know those two." Said the boy in yellow pyjamas pointing at the ebony haired guy and the dark skinned girl.

"I'm James, son of Hermes." Said the shirtless guy.

"And you are Gladiolus, right?" Lalin said.

The blonde guy nodded.

"Will you're needed by Phoebe." Said Lalin's mother, "James, you can stay if you want but you won't be much help with training. "

Will disappeared from the abyss. James had stayed in the darkness and sat on the dark floor.

"Hazel, I need you to train my son. Nico can you train your brother." Said Hecate.

"Brother? " Nico said with a confused look on his face.

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