"Stomach flu doesn't last for two weeks," she stated flatly.

Harry sighed and sat still as Madame Pomfrey finished up her diagnostics. Finally, she stepped back with a frown. "Did you find anything?"

She shook her head, "I didn't find anything wrong with your health, it has to be something else...what were your symptoms?"

"Throwing up mostly. Mainly in the mornings but throughout the day too. And I can't really eat because it makes my stomach upset."

Madame Pomfrey nodded and pointed her wand at him again, "I'll try a stronger spell," and she began again. It only lasted a few seconds though and she stepped back as if burned. She shook her head and did the spell again and again.

Harry felt as if lead had formed in the pit of his stomach, something was wrong he knew it, "Madame Pomfrey? What's wrong with me?" he whispered.

She looked at him with wide eyes and worked her mouth, but nothing came out.

"Madame Pomfrey?" Hermione prodded her.

"I-I don't know how to say this, but...Potter...Harry you're...you're pregnant."

A deafening silence filled the room, no one dared to move or say a word, or maybe they just couldn't.

"I'm-" Harry whispered horrified, his hands settled on his stomach, "p-pregnant?"

Madame Pomfrey nodded, she was unsure if she should be happy or not. She did not know the circumstances behind it.

"How- when did this happen?" Hermione asked, "Harry?"

Harry said nothing, lost in his thoughts. He was pregnant? How? How can he-? Then it came to him. That night...

Images with vivid detail came back to him. Hot kisses, arousal so strong, a hard, warm body on top of him, the heat unbearable...

"Harry?" Hermione said gently touching his arm.

Harry jumped and turned to her and immediately wished he hadn't. She had a look on her face that told him that she already knew, yet was desperately hoping that it wasn't true. But how could he deny it? How could he when the proof was growing inside him? He knew exactly what she was going to say before she said it.

"Something happened didn't it? That night...when you were captured."

He looked at her face, so full of worry and horror, to tell her she was wrong. Why did you have to be so smart? I bet you knew all along or at least were suspicious of what happened, he thought to himself. Harry had to look away; he couldn't bear to see the look on her face or anyone's for that matter. It was over, he couldn't hide anymore.

He didn't say anything but it must have been on his face because she gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. Everyone in the room immediately jumped to the same conclusion: rape and Death Eater. Harry didn't bother to fully correct them.

"What do you mean? Harry said..." Ron exclaimed but came to the truth just like the others did. He had lied.

"Oh, Harry," Hermione whispered tears rolling down her face. She reached her hand out to touch him, but he moved away from it still not looking at her, wrapping his arms around himself protectively.

"B-But, how can he be pregnant?" Ron sputtered, "He's a guy!"

"It is possible with potions and rituals or certain spells," Hermione said, "You didn't drink anything, did you? Or a spell was cast on you? Harry?"

Harry said nothing but shook his head. There had been no spell or potion, it was just as Tom had said, it was the connection they had. He had taken the time to look up the bond while he was at Hogwarts last time and even to the public library and it was all there. The forced attraction, overwhelming need to touch the other... it all fit, but it had said nothing about pregnancy. It was probably his cursed luck that allowed this to happen.

Harry closed his eyes to keep the tears back that threatened to spill over. Oh my god, I'm pregnant. With Tom's baby...Voldemort's baby.

"Harry," Madame Pomfrey said gently laying her hand on his arm to get his attention, "You're still within the first stage, we can-" she hesitated not believing that she was suggesting this, but pushed on, "we can get rid of it."

Harry looked up at her, then back down at his flat stomach. Get rid of it? His first impulse was to say Yes, get this thing out of me! But...

Harry shook his head, "No."

"No?" Madame Pomfrey echoed, "Are you sure?"

Harry nodded, "I'm sure. It didn't do anything wrong. It doesn't deserve that."

"So you're going to keep it?" Ron asked.

Harry nodded, "Yeah, I'm going to keep it," he whispered.

Hermione got up and sat down next to him and took his hand, and Ron sensing the importance of it got up too and sat down on the other side. "We're with you all the way Harry," Hermione said softly.

Harry looked up at her, stunned, "Y-You're not..."

"Of course not!" Ron exclaimed, "It doesn't matter if you were...um..."

"What Ron means to say is that we are here for you. We know it was all a big accident, s-something you didn't want and you didn't mean for it to happen. We don't hate you for it, or...or are disgusted with you for it," Hermione said firmly, squeezing his hand.

"Yeah! What do you think us for? We're there for you whatever decision you make."

"Exactly," Hermione said gripping his hand tightly, "That guy...who did this. It's all on him. It has nothing to do with you. We don't think any less of you or this baby."

Harry smiled and couldn't help the few tears that escaped. It suddenly felt like a big weight that he had been carrying around for two weeks was suddenly lifted. "Thanks," he whispered.

"Of course. That's what friends are for," Ron said proudly.

"And we'll help you any way we can," Hermione added.

"I think I'm going to need all the help I can get," Harry said with a slight smile.

"I'll put together an information packet to take with you," Madame Pomfrey said.

Harry looked up at her suddenly remembering that she was there too. She gave him an encouraging smile and Harry knew that she didn't care either, "Thanks." She nodded and left the room to gather the necessary information.

"You do know that we have to tell Dumbledore, right?" Hermione said squeezing his hand again.

Harry's smile faded and he looked down, "Yeah, I know. But...I don't want to."

"I know you don't, but he needs to know."

Harry nodded, "I'll tell him."

"We'll be there when you do too," Ron added and Hermione nodded in agreement.

Harry touched his stomach where the life was growing inside him. It didn't matter who the father was, he would raise this baby to be good, with his friend's right by his side.

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