Chapter 5- 'Tessie Smithers'

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Here's another chapter.


Claris Jacobsen:

Walking into school I was ten minutes late. Not that I was bothered by it, the lesson I had didn't serve much purpose to my education so I wasn't missing much. I still had to collect a late slip from the front office, which was kind of suckish.

My locker was 278. I slowly strolled down the hallway and watched the numbers tagged on the lockers ascend. Mrs Novak decided to go on an refurbishment frenzy. She splashed out on a new front office and installed new lockers. The old lockers where blue, dented and a shrine for students celebrity crushes and bands. These lockers were a glossy black colour with number lockers labelled clearly at the front. Mrs Novak wasted the time of gathering a school assembly to babble about how its wrong to deface school property and the consequences we would face if we did. Now we have weekly locker checks.


Ah, finally here.

Turning the black dial, I listened carefully for the three clicks that told me I could open my locker and take out my books. I didn't notice the blue bucket that was deliberately placed at the top edge of my locker. There was a fleeting moment where the hallway turned into a circus. The atmosphere was tense with anticipation as the wobbling bucket turned into a terrified tightrope walk who was being bullied by the intense gusts of winds. Inevitably the tightrope walker fell onto the ground in a splatter of blood and gore. In this case I was the ground, and the bucket was the blood and gore.

A discharged coloured thick sludge drowned me. It smelt as awful as it looked and it began to soak into the fibres of my clothing, creating a clammy feel to my skin.

"What the fuck!" I bellowed, whipping the blue bucket out of my hand making it crash against the lockers.

I was suddenly struck by the sound of hysterical laughter that boomed in the hallway. I snap round so fast I thought I'd get whiplash. Now I was face to face two bane's of my existence: no other than Ethan and Tessie Smithers.

Everybody's got a Tessie in their school- Fake, skinny, clown-faced, self-proclaimed Queen bee with the hot boyfriend that all the girls want but can't have. Not to mention that her dad was a high esteemed member of the School Board, meaning that Tessie was exempt from all school rules.

Like all bitches, she feeds off the misery and humiliation she inflicts on those who she believes to be 'unworthy'. Me Included.

"Smile for the camera, Cece" Tessie said with a voice coated in saccharine.

In her triumph a arrogant smirk curled on her overly-pink lips. She flipped her bleached blonde hair to one side and her hands proudly supported a pink, bedazzled Iphone, probably recording my misfortune.

"You" I hissed, my finger motioning to both Tessie and Ethan.

"Yes?" Tessie answered innocently. I was half expecting Ethan to, but he was to busy laughing hysterically.

"You look awfully angry Claris, is anything the matter?"

"You fucking put a bucket of...crap on my locker and set it up so it would fall on me you stupid bitch!"

Hot anger, like lava, was injected in my veins with each beat my erratic heart took. Vivid visions of me pounding my fists into her face flooded my head, with the way my hands were balled up into a tight fist, I'm surprised that I actually managed to tame my anger and not do anything.

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