Chapter 13- The new boy in town

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*Violence up ahead, you've been warned.

Clearly Unedited


Claris Jacobsen


"Hey Cookie". His greeting touched a raw nerve and my eyes closed on impact. I had to put my game face on, one that I crafted and perfected over the last two years. My face was steady but it was a difficult feat to get my body to do the same, I could feel my hands shake and my breath labor.

"Is everything alright, Cece?" Ethan asked, concern evident in his voice.

"Who's this Cookie? Your boyfriend". I made an audible sound of fright when Eric's gravelly voice answered, I hadn't seen him travel from the porch to infront of me. The dual feeling of Ethan eyeing me suspiciously look and Eric's sickening stare caused my stomach to form knots and my bladder to fill. 

"No" I answered, my voice cracking under the pressure.

Eric looks at Ethan, blatantly scrutinizing him. Suddenly his posture got taller and his chest jutted, obviously Eric felt some intimidation from Ethan's presence. Strangely I wanted to laugh; his superiority complex was being knocked down by a sixteen year old boy. 

"You can hop off home now boy. I can take care of Cookie now" I flinch when Eric gripped my elbow, his fingers burn into my skin as if to say 'watch-when-we-get-inside'. He pulled me to his side and I gulped. 

"Yea Ethan, everything fine. Thanks for the ride" 

"You sure, Cece?" He enquired.

I was hesitant but I still nodded. 

"Okay see you on Monday, Cece". His back turned and I was itching to stop him, tell him that I really didn't want him to leave and that I was in danger. But I couldn't.

As soon as Ethan's car was nothing but a red dot down the road, I ripped my elbow out of Eric's grasp and marched to the front door, using my own house key to open the door. 

"Cece, eh? You sure that rich kid ain't your boyfriend". Eric sneered as he followed me into the kitchen. "You know Rick doesn't like to share his property". I shudder when he said the word 'property', objectifying me. I dropped my bag on the table and went to the fridge to get a bottle of water. Then I went to the medicine cabinet and reach for a packet of Ibuprofen. I swallowed down two white pills and sipped some water. 

"He's not my boyfriend; he's not even a friend" I answered, with my back towards him.

"Oh really? Your fuck buddy then? No wonder your all tarted up, Rick's not gonna be to happy knowing that his property has been whoring around whilst he's not here"

"What the fuck are you even doing here?" I whipped round, growling. My initial fear was slowly transitioning into rage. He had the bloody audacity to come into my house making stupid threats, after I told him to get the fuck out!?

Eric sniggered. "Rick wanted me to check up on you, I can see why; Your getting rebellious, Cookie"

"Don't fucking call me that!" I roared. In my fit of rage the bottle of water in my hand was smacked against the floor. The impact had cause the cap to burst of and water splattered all over Eric's jeans and shoes. 

He looked down at the damage. His body quakes with anger and his hands clench so hard into a fist that its stopped the flow of blood. Through his mop of salt and pepper colored hair his vision borrows mine, fury smoldering his small narrow eyes. I woke the beast that was Eric's temper and now I was gonna pay.

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