Chapter 12- The morning after

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Hallo Guys

Here's another chapter just for you guys

And Leggo...

Claris Jacobsen

The next morning I wake up exhausted and with a bitch of a headache. Reality was a series of blurred lines failing to come together to form one solid picture, my mouth was sour with nausea and I felt like I was made out of lead. Normally I'd wake up like this after a rough night with Rick but I don't recall going home last night, the more alcohol burned in my blood the more distant and foggy my mind became. My memory didn't let me exceed past the point of re-kindling my friendship with Denise. 

There was a comfort and unfamiliarity with the scratch of the duvet against my skin. The sheets smelt crisp, like freshly bought bed linen whilst mine smelt like warmth. Outside the sun had peaked and I felt its lukewarm rays on my skin. I stirred slightly in the bed, extending my arm out and sitting myself up. Another spell of pain creased in my head. I looked around the room, ogling at the unfamiliar furniture that did not belong in my room. 

Did I go home with somebody last night? I thought anxiously. 

My heart rate began to pick up at the possibility and the urge to vomit was imminent. As I shuffled towards the edge of the bed I noticed my clothes and another males clothes strewn across the floor. My eyes were flooded with warmth and tears threatened to fall. Why is it that I always fall victim to someone's sexual appetite? Gosh I'm so stupid.

"Oh your awake" A voice said. I looked up and saw Ethan standing by the bedroom door. A pair of grey Calvin Klein boxers hung lowly on his hips and showed off his shaped V-line. Water droplets fell from his hair and joined the millions of water droplets that clung onto his body. The sight of him knocked my breath away and I'm not sure if that meant an attraction or complete horror. I'm sure its the latter.

"W-what am I doing in your bed? Why am I here?"

Ethan smirked, biting his bottom lip suggestively. "Things got pretty freaky between us last night"

"Did we..."

"Nope, but we were pretty close until I stopped us. You should have seen how disappointed you were"

I felt an interlocking feeling of immense relief and embarrassment. The fact that I got drunk enough to have a sexual desire for the person I have an intense dislike for was extremely mortifying to say the least. Though I guess I should be thankful that he stopped before things escalated, It would have been a hard pill to swallow in the morning knowing that I had drunk sex with Ethan.

"Thanks...I guess"

"Just being the chivalrous man that I always am"

I scoffed, rolling the covers off me. "Like taking advantage of drunk girls is chivalrous". I pulled my heavy body out the bed and set my limbs on the floor. Pulling myself up, I rocked slowly from side to side as if the floor had suddenly turned into boat travelling the rocky seas. I haunting de ja vu dawned on my and bile raised to my throat. I leaned forward, holding my stomach.

"Are you alright, Cece?" than asked, placing a hand on my back.

"No" I groaned, bolting of into the en suite. Lifting the toilet seat, I sunk to my knees and expelled the contents of my stomach into the toilet. Hands gently scraped away the hair from my cheeks and held it up. My head spun afterwards, chunks of food from prior days floated in a miasma of pale green.

"Shit" I said, my voice hoarse from straining my throat so much. Ethan helped me rise to me feet, leaning sideways slightly to compensate my weight.

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