Chapter 14- "Not brothers, half brothers"

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Claris Jacobsen

By the time I was out of Mrs Novak's office, Kian had already burned through half of the corridor and wasn't far from leaving. I followed his angry trail and caught up with just as he was about to step out side. Grabbing the handle of the door, I shut it.

"Don't you ever get tired of running?" 

Kian's eyes hardened. "Says the one's that out of breath" 

"Why don't you just stop being a stubborn little bastard and let me show you around. Once we're done you can go ever the fuck you want, I don't care" I growled. 

Kian blew out a breath. "Fine" 

I smiled in my small triumph. "Good, let's go". Kian proceeded to follow me. "This is the Art's block: the place where lessons such as English, Art, Drama, Music, Spanish, French and IMedia take place. It depends what your taking for your GCSE's but, of course, English is compulsory" 

"GCSE's" He said to himself, as if trying out the word on his tongues. "What are GCSE's?"

"There massive exams you begin to take in Year eleven that determine which Sixth form college you got to. We mainly prepare for it in Year ten. I think in America they call them SAT's"

Kian's brows furrowed. "How'd you know I'm American?"

I scoffed. "Is that even a serious question? Your accent isn't close  to one of a Londoner and unless you've moved down here from the North, then I'm gonna stick my guess and say your American"

Kian responded with a side-ways. We departed the Art's block and crossed over to the next. "This is the Maths and Humanities block: Maths, History, Geography and sometimes R.E is taught here. You'll be coming here everyday for Maths so best remember where this is" 

The rest of the campus tour moved swiftly from that point forward. I showed Kian where to find the toilets and mentioned some of the learning facilities use if need be, I even threw in a few warnings of teachers not to be messed with. We were finished with a two minutes left before fifth period.

"We have two minutes and counting before next lesson. This is the part where you sprint for the door or you give me your planner and I direct you to you class. Its up to you"

I turned on my heel and walked away from Kian with a thought for him to ponder. A part of me hoped that he would come to class as I know Mrs Novak would come down on me like a tonn of bricks. But then again that was only a very small part of me. The rest of my said 'fuck it, and fuck him!' if he wanted to dedicate himself to being a truant, then that's on him. His decision is not affecting me in anyway shape or form.

"Wait!" He called making me pause mid-walk. The sound of his trainers echoed in the hallway as he approached me. 

I rotated round. "Yes"

"I got Science. You?"


I lead the way to Science, once again feeling victorious.

-The Not-So-Quite-Love-Story-Story-

It was inevitable that word had gotten round of a new boy and lusting females had turned up their mating calls for the deaf to hear. The fact that he was seen associating with me made him more valuable: the itching feeling of jealous glares and threatening whispers was beginning to irk me. It was Period six, translation: Lunch. Kian stood next to me, watching as students funneled into the Canteen.

"Its Lunch time now, this would be the perfect time to try and make some friends." I suggested.

Kian's lips pressed tighter. "I didn't come here to make 'friends'"

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