Chapter 9-Revenge is best served sweet.

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Another chapter my lovely Cappuccinos

Clearly Unedited


Claris Jacobsen

It was another typical English morning. The sun was being smothered by grey clouds but the rain was less harsher than Monday. I didn't break a sweat trying to get to Mr Neville's history lesson, he never really gives a shit if anyone's late so I'm not gonna shit my pants trying to arrive on time.

"Claris" Someone called behind me.

It was undoubtedly Addy, her sneakers squeaked against the floor as she raced towards. She gripped my forearm tightly, leaning into towards me slightly.

"I have something to show you" Addy's voice was hushed. She surveyed around. "But not here"

My eyebrows furrowed. "Show me what? "

"Just come with me" She said. I didn't have a choice in the matter. Addy had a firm grip on my forearm and was pulling me like a stubborn dog on a leash. Addy had opened a door and shoved me into a room full of darkness, it smelt of must and mildew which was gag inducing. A small click and the light in the room flickered before it settled on becoming dim.

Addy crouched down to her bag and began rummaging through her stuff. The crazed excitement on Addy's face was worrying, she never looked like that unless she was going to do something really stupid.

"Cupcakes" I said. In Addy's hands was a tupperware container of frosted vanilla cupcakes, all iced with in different colours. I could smell the sugar and the warmth. "Seriously Ads? You went all Mission Impossible on me for some freakin' cupcakes? I gotta history lesson, I-"

"Listen" Addy interjects. "My mum went on a total baking craze and made thousands of cupcakes, I've got millions more in my bag. This-" she pointed to the tupperware. "Is what we are gonna use to get revenge on Mr. bad boy"

I looked skeptically. "What? We're gonna feed him to death? That should do the bloody trick"

Addy smirked wickedly. "You know they do say that revenge is best served sweet, and his car is parked in the lot. If we leave now I can show you exactly what I mean"

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, but hurry up. I don't want to get caught".

Addy smiled in delight. She opened the door slowly and purposefully before sticking her head out the door, checking for teachers.

"Coast clear" she whispered. Addy took my hand and pulled me beyond the door and pulled me through the fire exit to the car park. We stopped in front of pure red Jaguar . It was Ethan's, I remember it from when he picked me up on Tuesday. I haven't seen him and school lately and the times I do he hasn't made the effort to provoke me or get on my nerves. For the pass couple of days he seems more distant, less connected with everybody.

Addy popped open the tupperware box and let the lid clatter to the floor. She took out a lilac frosted cupcake adorned with silver pearls and  sugar paper flower.

She smirked evilly whilst staring at Ethan's car. 

"Y'know my mum always says that a man's most prized possession is his car. Which gave me the brilliant idea to do this-" 

Addy releases the cupcake, icing first, onto the windshield and with the palm of her hand smothers it. My eyes spanned and nerves skipped in my veins as she got another cupcake, this time iced pale blue, and and drew circles with the icing before squashing the vanilla sponge, letting it slide miserably down the windshield and onto the wipers. 

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