Chapter 11-"Love Sex Magic"

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Another chapter for you guys.

Just a quick warning: This chapter may be a little...intense... but I'll try to be as discreet as possible. No rude comments, cause they will be deleted and I will block your ass.

Hope you like it.

Song for the chapter: Love Sex Magic, Ciara and Justin Timberlake.


Claris Jacobsen

Cayden drove into a residential road. I don't think I would have been able to see the house if it wasn't for the lights that poured out the window. I began to feel nervous as we neared the sound of distant music, by then the roadside was occupied by parked cars. I watched curiously as party-goers (most of them scantily clad females) scurried towards a large house.  I could see teens drunkenly spilling out from the door. It surprised how people could become so wasted so quickly into the party. 

The vibrations from the car engine stopped.

"Well we're here" Cayden announced. 

Together we all walked out the car and approached the house. 

"Who lives here?" I wondered aloud in awe.

"That doesn't matter" I looked at Addy "Let's just focus on having fun"

Addy clasped my hand and drag me into the house. Already I was consumed by teenage lust and body heat. I was intoxicated by the undeniable smell of weed and alcohol. I did manage to recognize some people as Addy dragged through the horde of teens. Some were old flings, some old friends. There was a bar that Addy lead me to and behind it was a large wooden cabinet with a glass door that presented the vast choices of alcoholic drinks. I was surprised; the average teen didn't have a bar in their house and I'm positive there pockets couldn't suffice this  much variation of alcohol. There was even someone working the bar! All this for a house party.

Cayden passed his large cooler of alcohol over to the bartender.

"A round for me and my girls" He requested. 

Cayden had to project his voice otherwise the blaring music would have drowned out every syllable. The music was pleasant and definitely up my street. I was very much into old skool R'n'B and Hip-hop, the song that was currently shaking the house was Nelly Hot in here, which was on of the songs in my favourite 90's mix on my phone. 

The bartender, who looked just as underage as we were, skilfully poured out shots of Cayden's magic potion. He went in order of the rainbow: Red,Orange, Yellow, Green and Purple. We worked our way from the outside in. I was going to need more than shot glasses of colourful vodka to get me inebriated, one perk of drinking alcohol early. Each shot warmed my soul and I felt electric.  

Cayden had ordered himself and Budweiser and chugged it down whilst Addy, Abi and I knocked back more shots, this time it was vodka. We fanned our faces and pulled the most unattractive faces as the fiery liquid burned down our throats and heated our stomachs. Addy's eyes were bright, and by the third round Abi has met her end. Abi was a lightweight by nature, one of her outside school friends had dragged her onto the dance floor leaving just Me, Cayden and Addy.

"More shots for us" Addy sang playfully. 

Soon we weren't the only people at the bar. Many people joined our party of three, like before some were old flings and old friends, but one stuck out in particular.Her name was Denise Mullins, we went to the same primary school but she was the few that passed her eleven plus and attended St. Johns Grammar school. Despite going our separate ways we always manage to for parties and together we were the life of the party. But ever since I ghosted from the party scene we lost contact and eventually stopped contacting each-other altogether. 

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