Chapter 7-Road to no civilisation.

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Here's another Update.

Clearly Unedited


Ethan Rivers

The Red-head was in the en suite bathroom primping and priming. I lay the King sized bed of the guest room, clad in nothing but my boxes and soaking in a layer of sweat and satisfaction. The Red-head left without saying much which seriously mad me question if she was worth a round two. She didn't ask to many questions nor did she try and over stay her welcome, all good qualities in sluts like her.

My bedroom door creaked open making Damien and Mouse (James for those who don't get the story behind the nickname) presence known to me.

"I suggest you take a cold shower and put on some clothes. We're having guests" Damien announces. Him and Mouse enter my room. Damien flops down next me whilst Mouse makes a turn to the Xbox and began setting a game of Assassin's Creed.

"Guests?" I echoed.

"Yea, I invited Abi and Addy round so we could get started to our school project" Damien explains.

"Why couldn't you just invite them to you place?"

"Dante's friends are there and you know how piss-taking they are"

"And Mouse?"

It took Mouse a while to pull his head out his ass and realise that my question was directed at him. "My mom's having her weekly book club and I don't want to be there. Being surrounded by sexually frustrated cougars isn't exactly how I wanna spend my evening"

"Is Claris coming?" I asked.

Damien shrugged. "I seriously doubt it. Shit, after what you did to her today I'm pretty sure the only place she wants to see you is in hell"

I sighed as frustration seeped through me. "How many times do I have to say this? I didn't know jack about what Tessie was planning to do today. When she said had had a 'surprise' I thought she meant a blowjob"

"You gotta control your sidechicks, bruv. They acting like they need to be on Dr Phil or something." Damien said, shaking his head.

"Whatever. I'm delivering a package so I won't be here. If my dad comes home before I do just stall and say I'm at a study group"

Damien scoffed. "Ok".

"But hasn't your dad taken away your phone and car keys?" Mouse queries.

"I always have a spare set of keys to my Jag and spare phone just in case of emergencies". I explained, walking towards my wardrobe. I clad myself in denim jeans and a black Ralph polo. As I was struggling into my trainers the clogs of my mind began to work and I experienced what was called a 'Eureka' moment. The thought filled me with adrenaline and excitement.

"I'll bring her with me" I thought.

"Who?" Damien and Mouse said simultaneous. I hadn't realised that I voiced my thought.

"Claris" I answered "I'm gonna bring her with me to deliver the package"

"NO! " They both rebuked.

"Are you crazy?!" Damien hissed. "You've done enough dragging us into your lifestyle and you ain't gonna do the same to her"

"Damien's right" Mouse chimed "Your stepping into Blood territory, her being there whilst you deliver the package is bloody reckless. And with your smart-mouth I doubt you'll leave unscathed"

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