Chapter 17

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Clearly unedited.

Claris Jacobsen 

It was morning and I still hadn't recovered from last nights insanity. It happened in the evening, precisely when I had manage to dust off a couple homework essays and Tasia was in her room probably colouring in a Disney princess the wrong colour. I was eagerly going downstairs to have a well deserved Netflix marathon, but with each downwards step all the sounds around me turned to crackling static and when I'd gotten down the flight of stairs, anxiety like a wave came through me and made my body quake. It felt like I was trapped in a Vaccum; with no air to breath and no scream being loud enough to hear.

 I was forced onto the Bannister until the episode subsided. I'm at a stage where I've become used to the random attacks but I couldn't shake off the haunting feeling that resided within me.

"Shit Cece, and to think I left later than intended so you'd have time to get sexy for me. " Ethan said, scrutinising my bedraggled appearance from my door step. I couldn't be too offended by his comment, self-medicating on Xans and Vodka didn't look to good the morning after.

"Can't you just love me? Flaws and all" I quipped sarcastically. 

Ethan smirked. "I'd love you much more naked"

I scoffed in disgust, but let him in. 

As soon as we got in the living room, Ethan had no problem with spreading himself out on the couch and flicking through some channels.

Make yourself at home,

Leaving the room, I charged up the stairs to my bedroom; the dread started seeping in once I looked the door. The only boy's house I've slept over at is Cayden, and it was mostly after party's when I was so drunk I could barely see! Ethan was no stranger to me, but knowing his sadistic traits and having to stay with him for a whole 24-hours was enough to set me off.

I dumped a few articles of clothing into an old rucksack and afterwards climbed into the shower. The warm water gliding down my body was enough to wash away last nights angst. Once I had done that I speedily blow-dried my long locks and chucked on some fresh clothes.

When I got downstairs into the Living room Ethan was cemented into his spot on the couch, and his thumb was swiping through his phone.

I cleared my throat to grasp his attention. His eyes shifted from his phone screen and onto me.

"Oh" Ethan propelled himself up right and finally got up from the couch. "You ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be" 

-The Not-So-Quite-Love-Story Story-

Ethan's car glided into the driveway of a house that resembled an Estate Agents dream. The house sat on square feet of healthy green ground, guarded by a pristine white fence, and a smooth stone carpet lead to the dark wood door. The house was as though it had different dimensions, the terracotta bricks turning into slated pinnacle-shaped roofs that seemingly stretched into the sunlight and the regular shaped roof. It wasn't on the grandiose scale of a mansion, but I couldn't take away how striking his house was. 

From his car Ethan silently lead me to his front door, inserting the key into the hole, twisted the mechanism in order to open the door. A  gust of homely air rushed into my nose and pushed my hair back. The inside was just as beautiful as the outside: the crystal window allowed light to filter through and highlight the glossy laminated floor.

Ethan turned sharply. "First order of business, you gotta get changed"

"Changed? I did that like 40 minutes a go"

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