「5; I feel bad for everyone in your life, including myself」

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"Are you fucking kidding me? That guy is in, like, half of our classes!" Hoseok exclaims.

Jimin wants nothing more than to curl up on his bed and cry when he tells his friends that he remembers the guy who drugged him.

"I can't believe this shit," Yoongi growls.

"How does he even dare to drug someone with the risk of getting caught and then being stuck in the same school?" Namjoon is frowning, seriously wondering.

"He was probably high as fuck, and his brain is obviously fucked up," Yoongi huffs, obviously just pissed.

"I've heard that he hangs out with real drug dealers. His consequent thinking and impulse control is probably gone after getting high all the time. That's what drugs at a young age does to you," Seokjin informs, his nose scrunched up in distaste.

"This isn't the time for a psychology lesson! That shitface drugged Jimin and tried to take advantage of him! We have to call the police!" Hoseok says, livid.

Jimin freezes up at that, "Guys, stop! No one is calling the police! This is bad enough, I don't need that shit."

"But, he almost raped you, Jimin. We have to do something!"

And then Jimin bursts. The tears overflow in mere seconds and a sob rips through his body, reaching his friends' ears before Jimin hangs up, curling in on himself on his bed.

Why him? What has he ever done to deserve to be drugged? To be raped? Was it something he did? Something he wore? Was it his fault?

He can't remember ever speaking to Daehyun before. Maybe during some forced teamwork in class, but he has never said anything personal to him.

Just as Jimin's head is starting to ache from crying, still curled up on his bed, his door is quietly opened.

Soon, he is sandwiched between Jin and Hoseok, his shaking body cuddled in warm embraces. He immediately accepts the comfort, always craving someone to hold him, especially at times like these.

He cries into Hoseok's chest for what feels like an eternity, trying to focus on the soft words Seokjin whispers in his ear. And then he's sleeping, exhausted from the sadness.

The next time Jimin stirs awake, the sky is starting to darken. He is still cuddled between his friends, both emitting soft snores and it makes an overwhelming warmth bloom in his chest.

This is what brings Jimin life. Love. That's all he needs. He is like a flower and the only thing he needs to bloom is to receive the love and affection that he has so much of in himself, ready to be put out on his sleeve for anyone who'll have him.

He tightens his arms around Hoseok, who is busy drooling on his pillow, and leans his head back to Jin's chest. He feels safe. It's enough to lull him into a deep, dreamless sleep.

When Jimin wakes up the next morning, he's alone in his bed, and it feels cold. The sun has already risen and Jimin guesses that he must have been really tired from having slept from early afternoon yesterday until now.

He can smell the aroma of food and his stomach rumbles. His bare feet pads against the cold wooden floor as he makes his way to the kitchen, still in his shorts and sweater from yesterday.

He hears his mother, Jin and Hoseok before he sees them and smiles. When turning the corner into the kitchen, he is met with Seokjin making pancakes while his mother and Hoseok are playing a card game at the kitchen table.

"Good morning, sweetie!" Areum calls softly as Jimin comes into view.

"Morning, Jiminie," Jin smiles, reaching an arm towards Jimin and the smaller happily latches onto him.

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