「22; Hyung」

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Saturday, Jimin sees Taemin again.

The older shows up to his house unannounced with coffee for himself and tea for Jimin. Areum opens the door and immediately takes a liking to the silver haired male. Jimin comes down and, after fussing over the pink hair, Taemin proposes the idea of taking a walk around the block and then spending the whole day watching movies.

"Is the walk to make up for being lazy?" Jimin questions after putting on his shoes, receiving his tea.

"'Course," Taemin grins, shutting the door behind them.

Jimin takes a sip and smiles, "You remembered. Tea without sugar or honey."

"Yeah. Disgusting," Taemin laughs and Jimin pushes him gently.

They walk in comfortable silence for a bit before Taemin looks to Jimin.

"How have you been? Is the new house-situation okay?"

Jimin hums a little before answering, "I guess. Sooyun is already like a sister to me. Jungkook is... He's confusing but we're making progress, I think."

"How do you mean?" Taemin asks, interested.

Jimin nibbles on his lip and buries his nose in his fluffy jacket, "We're friends I guess. But he said some really weird stuff the other day. About homosexuality being a choice and asking why I would chose it. It really hurt listening to him say that, but it also seemed that he was actually confused and kind of frustrated?" Jimin frowns, "I don't know, hyung. I just got a feeling. Now he's acting as usual again."

Taemin hums, "You got a feeling that he's confused with himself, or with you? Because that sounds like a really weird thing to ask if it was a genuine question about you."

Jimin meets Taemin's gaze, "I know, right? That's what I was thinking, too... I was mad at first because I thought he was homophobic towards me, but then he brought you up and I realized that it was maybe actually more about him being homophobic towards himself. I really don't want to make assumptions, though."

Taemin's eyebrows are raised, surprised, "He brought me up? Wow, I think you're right. Maybe making him jealous was a bad idea after all."

Jimin nods, "Yeah, I feel really bad. He cut his hand really bad because of it at the party, too."

"Right, how did that go?"

Jimin looks down again, hiding his growing blush.

"It was weird, too," he murmurs, thinking back to the way Jungkook's hands had felt in his, then to how they had felt on his thighs after he kissed Minjung. He shivers, blaming it on the cold.

"More homophobic stuff?" Taemin asks, oblivious.

Jimin shakes his head, "No, he's different when he's drunk. He can't keep his hands to himself, mostly."

Taemin makes a scandalized noise and Jimin whines, blushing harder and burying his face further into his jacket.

"Do tell?!" Taemin calls out, voice echoing over the rooftops.

Jimin shakes his head, cringing, "No way."

Taemin laughs and it sounds like an evil witch-cackle.

"You're making him question himself. That's so cute. Poor guy."

Jimin narrows his eyes at Taemin, "That was so contradictory."

Taemin just keeps chuckling, "It's true! I felt like shit when I started questioning my sexuality so I feel bad for him. But it's also cute that he's into you and seeking you out when he's drunk because he can't help himself."

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