「4; I want the fucker's name」

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The next time Jimin opens his eyes, there is bright light filtering in through the windows of the slightly familiar room.

He groans at the ache in his head and tries to wave away what woke him up, only then noticing that he woke up from someone nudging him.

His hazy vision settles on a dark frame above him and he can kind of make out the features of someone very similar to his crush.

With a small, sleepy smile he mumbles, "Hi," and then he's suddenly on his feet, the room spinning as the person just moves him around carelessly.

Jimin scrunches his face up, blinking to try to comprehend the situation. When the room just continues to spin as well as his head, he just lets it fall forward into the male's chest, proceeding to throw up on his shirt.

The room fills with a booming "What the fuck?" and then hysteric laughter.

Jimin squeezes his eyes shut at the loud sound, his body giving out and he slumps back on the couch to try to rub the sleep out of his eyes.

"Fucking amazing!" The laughing voice hollers, and Jimin whines.

"Shut the fuck up, Tae. You get him out," The angry voice grumbles, and Jimin hears footsteps disappearing.

When Jimin manages to see without the world being that much of a blur, he is face to face with Jungkook's best friend. He still feels a little drunk and whines again.

"Hey, weirdly small person. I'm afraid I'll have to get you out of here before Jungkook comes back and potentially throws you out, literally," Taehyung grins, laughter still in his voice.

Jimin just closes his eyes and opens his arms wide before tiredly slinging them around Taehyung's neck, pulling him down to hug him tightly.

The other lets out a startled sound as he's pulled down, but it soon turns into more laughter, and Jimin wants to put tape over his mouth.

"You're a clingy drunk," is what the older declares before hoisting Jimin into his arms with practiced motions, walking to a destination Jimin can't be bothered to try and figure out.

"What are you doing? He has fucking legs."

Jimin blinks his eyes open to see Jungkook standing in a corridor, a clean t-shirt on now, looking like a fucking god with his tattoos and messy hair. He's scowling, a pissed expression on his face and Jimin pouts before turning his head back to Taehyung's chest.

"He's still drunk, or high, and he kept hugging me. He's also a legend for throwing up on you, so I'm taking him home myself," Taehyung says, clearly not faced by Jungkook's tone, amused if anything.

"Whatever, just have him gone before dad gets home," Jungkook murmurs, turning to head back to wherever he came from, probably his room or a bathroom.

"Wait!" Jimin half calls, half mumbles, emerging from Taehyung's chest, and Jungkook turns around in confusion, "Sorry for ruining your shirt..."

Jimin feels tears invading his eyes and his lip wobbles warningly at making Jungkook mad. It's most likely the alcohol and hang over that makes him too sensitive, and he can't help it.

Jungkook just purses his lips, "Yeah."

Then he disappears and Jimin pouts even further, whimpering into Taehyung's shirt.

"Don't take the grumpiness personal, tiny," Taehyung says as he struggles slightly to open the door with Jimin in his arms, and after a moment of thought, "You know what? It's probably personal. You did puke all over his shirt, after all."

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