「36; should I leave you two or...」

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    Jungkook feels better when he wakes up the next day.

    His body is sore and weak and the wound hurts but he's much more clear-headed.

    He agrees to talk to the police from his hospital bed since he won't be discharged for at least another day.

    "All of this happened in the industrial area outside of town?" the officer asks him and Jungkook nods, "And you managed to drive by yourself all the way to the Nams' house?"

    Jungkook raises his eyebrows, "I realize it was dangerous but I didn't really have much of a choice. It was either that or waiting to bleed out."

    The officer backtracks, "I didn't mean to sound judgmental. I'm just clearing everything up. You won't be charged for dangerous driving."

    Jungkook just nods.

    "About Jeon Dahee. What was your relationship with her before this incident?"

    "We had none," Jungkook shrugs, "She mistreated me and my sister when we were kids, so my appa got full custody and moved us away from her. I hadn't seen her since."

    The officer takes a few notes, "And you had no idea Yung Daehyun was a relative?"

    "No," Jungkook shakes his head, "I didn't even know I had cousins."

    "Okay," the officer closes his notepad, looking up at Jungkook, "That'll be enough for now. We'll look into the illegal drug trade network and put an end to it. Everyone involved will likely face charges so, I'm sorry to say but, your newfound relatives may not be around for a reunion."

    Jungkook breathes about a chuckle, "Thank god for that. I think I've seen enough of them."

    The officer smiles and leaves shortly after, leaving Jungkook to text Taehyung. The other male had threatened to kill him if he had died on him and now he's regularly checking in how everything is going, and if his wound has become 'a badass scar' yet.

    Jungkook has seen the wound when the nurse has checked up on it. It looks fine. There are a few stitches to help it heal nicely and so far it seems to be working.

    He was lucky that no vital organs were severely damaged. There was a lot of blood from a hit artery but nothing the surgery and a blood transfusion didn't fix.

    He has been told that he can go home tomorrow but he can't do anything close to exercising and he has to do weekly checkups for a month. He thinks it'll be nice sleeping in his own bed, though.

    He's a little restless, not doing anything except staring at hospital walls. Just as he's considering calling for a nurse and asking for a fourth popsicle, the door opens revealing Jimin and Sooyun.

    "Hey, baby brother," Sooyun grins as she sits down in the chair next to the bed, "How're you feeling."

    Jimin sits down on the bed by his legs, taking his hand, "Hi," he smiles.

    "Hi," Jungkook smiles back, then looks to his sister, "Feeling fine. Painkillers are a godsend."

    "That's great, hyung," Jimin says, "Are they gonna let you go home soon?"

    Jungkook nods, "Just one more night and then I can go after a final checkup in the morning."

    They all smile happily at the news.

    "How did it go with the police?" Sooyun questions, leaning back in the chair.

    Jungkook plays with Jimin's small fingers as he answers, "Good. I just told them everything I know. The same I told you all."

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