「7; I adore you」

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    Jimin's hands are shaking slightly as he stands in front of a mirror in the boys bathroom, putting on more of his lipgloss. As if that would help anything.

    He got through the music lesson, speaking with Jungkook for the first time since the incident at the latter's house. Jimin is not blind. He can tell that Jungkook doesn't want anything to do with him.

    He's fairly surprised with himself for not crying right now. Maybe he has no tears left after crying himself to sleep most days the past week.

    Just when he's about to stuff the gloss back into his bag, the door to the bathroom is opened. Jimin doesn't think much of it until his wrist is being tugged at, making him drop the item and face the person.

    It's Daehyun, and Jimin's heart stops in his chest. The taller's dark eyes bore into his and memories from that night flash through Jimin's mind rapidly. The betrayal.

    "Jimin," Daehyun says lowly, almost a whisper but Jimin flinches either way, ripping his wrist out of the other's grip.

   "S-stay away!" Jimin exclaims, terrified of the male. He has haunted his nightmares ever since that night.

    Daehyun sucks his bottom lip between his teeth, looking sorrowful, "Jimin, I wasn't in my right mind, I'm so sorry," He tries, stepping closer.

    Jimin shakes his head violently, stepping back, "I said stay away. I don't want anything to do with you," He says, voice trembling though he tries to stay stern, calm. He wishes Namjoon could be here.

    Something dark flashes in Daehyun's gaze and Jimin almost gasps out of pure fear, realizing he must have said something wrong.

    "Don't say that. I'm not the person you think I am. I wouldn't hurt you! I adore you, Jimin," He says, but his eyes speak something different, darker. Jimin feels his eyes fill with tears. Turns out he can't run out of those.

    "Don't come closer, please," Jimin sniffles, desperately putting a hand out between them as his back hits the wall.

    Daehyun takes the hand in both of his, putting it against his chest.

    "Feel that? My heart races when I see you, Jimin. You're so precious to--"

    Jimin snaps then, because why is Daehyun still in front of him and why is he making him touch his chest? Jimin doesn't want this at all. He wanted Daehyun to stay far away from him after what happened. How dare he even approach him after what he did against Jimin's will?

    "No! Let me go! I don't want to see you! If you care about me you would get out! Stay away!" He calls desperately, hot tears spilling out of his eyes.

    Daehyun purses his lips then, taking in the sight of the smaller. His gaze turns angry and Jimin tries to brace himself for the worst.

    There is a long silence. Jimin feels like it lasts for hours, waiting for something, anything painful to happen.

    It doesn't.

    Instead Daehyun releases a pissed off grunt, letting go of Jimin completely. Then he's gone.

    Jimin breaks down not even a second after the door is harshly slammed shut. He slides down the wall and hugs his knees to his chest, burying his face in them.

    Jimin barely hears that he's not alone in the room a few moments later, but soon there is a hand on his back and he flinches, looking up.

    It's Jungkook. Jungkook of all people is sitting next to him, his hand on his back and doe eyes looking into his for only a moment before the older averts them, drawing the hand back as well.

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