Chapter Seventeen: Fang Out

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Megan didn't sleep in the same room as Enchantress last night.

In fact, when they arrived home, she immediately made a run for the guest room. That didn't stop her from coming into the room Enchantress was in, however. It was there that she made sure she bandaged up all of Enchantress' wounds.

During that time, Dana tried to talk to Megan, but she was ignored. The only thing Megan wanted to hear coming out of Dana's mouth was answers and explanations.

However, she felt drained. The amount of tiredness she felt kept her from asking all of her questions. So, as soon as she was done tending to Dana's wounds, she was out the door.

Now, it was morning.

With a jolt, and a rub of the eye, Enchantress awoke at 10:30. Megan, as always, slept in.

However, she didn't sleep in as long as usual. Megan was destined to pull answers out of Enchantress. Whether it be willingly, or by force, she needed an explanation. After all, with everything that happened to her the previous day; Dana owed her that much.

So, at 11:00AM, Megan sprung awake. However, almost instantly, she held her head, and looked around the room. Every color in the room seemed...brightened.

From the plush black and blue sheets, to the black swirls that decorated the wall. Everything seemed to jump out at Megan.

And her stomach.

She felt an emptiness there that she had never felt before. Megan tried to play it off as hunger, as she shook her head and swung her feet over the side of the bed.

But when she entered the bathroom to brush her teeth, she screamed at her reflection in the mirror.

Fangs. Pointy, narrowed teeth stared back at her.

Paleness. She was lighter than she had ever seen herself.

Another loud scream erupted from Megan's mouth as she looked on.


Megan waited outside of the bathroom that Enchantress occupied. After showering in a state of shock and confusion, she decided to go to Dana for answers, pronto.

Her eyes swept over the master's suite, training on the empty bottle of an alcoholic beverage.

Megan gasped as her eyes swept over two more bottles that looked the same as the last: empty.

On top of all of that, the room was a mess. Clothes were scattered. In fact, they were the same clothes Dana adorned yesterday.

As Megan's eyes scanned the catastrophe that was their room, she heard a small creek of a door, indicating that Enchantress was about to come out.

Megan quickly turned invisible.

Her eyes flung to Enchantress. Megan studied her face, and then let her eyes travel downward.

Enchantress wore her normal attire, as she was never seen in anything that wasn't black in pigment. She wore black jeans, that at the moment hung loosely on her hips. A black, fitted button-down shirt. Megan was thankful for her powers because she gasped loudly at the sight of seeing Dana's exposed chest.

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