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Its been weeks since I have halted everything and trying to find the mole. The guys think they doing surveillance on Tiger but in actuality am doing surveillance on them. Since they is no movement on my side. Tiger has been quiet and going about business as usual. Yanela been attending work and has been the most supportive and loving wife that I could ever ask for. She took the training seriously and never asked any questions when I offered to help her work out and learn a few self defence moves and take shooting. I walked out of my office after taking a call from dad and went to the kitchen to find Yanela by the sink crying when she heard my footsteps she quickly wiped her tears and gave me a fake smile. What iv notice about her this past week she always tries her best to always act as if all is well. I have no idea what been bothering her and iv been nagging for her to talk to me but she has been saying she is fine.
Me: Hey
Yanela: hey, want anything to eat before I go?
Me: nah am good.
Yanela: alright, iv asked Stiga to drive me to school. That took me back a bit cause we were going to go together.
Me: oh I thought we going together.
Yanela: Its okay babe. She took her dish and washed it than kissed my cheek. I watched her pack her books and 5 min later Stiga knocked and she jumped and meet him by the door.

Past week has been amazing and blissful. Iv never been showed so much love and care in my life. Yes he is a gangster but at least he told me. I walked to the kitchen and boiled water and took out two eggs. I was going to make myself an English breakfast. Just than i heard a car pulling in and I walked to the door and saw Yanela being dropped off by her guard. I looked at the watch and its only 7:30. I went to the stove and took out more food as she let herself in.
Yanela: Thanks Stiga. Ill call when I need you to pick me up. And remember the deal.
Stiga: Sure madam. She closed the door and walked to the kitchen. I wonder what brings her here on a school day..

I walked in and saw mom making breakfast so I placed my bag on the floor and sat down on her high chair.
Mom: Shouldn't you bee at school?
Me: i know, i just need some time alone. She turned and looked at me with worried eyes.
Mom: what wrong? I just broke down and cried my lungs out. After crying and mom calming me she made tea.
Mom: now start from the beginning just than the door flew in and a bunch of guys dressed in black. I froze as they came in and they had guns in they hands.
Guy1: Mrs Khuzwayo, we bot going to hurt you or do anything if you don't resist. Just come with us please. I looked at mom and she was scared.
Me: its okay mom. Just call Thulane and tell him
Guy1: that exactly what we need you to do. I got up and walked to the car and they closed the car doors and drove off.

Me: what you mean you dropped her off at her moms?
Stiga: she asked to go there since she isn't feeling well
Me: isn't feeling well? I looked at him dumb.
Stiga: That what she said?
Me: and Ma Lutha uyi nurse? ( and mrs lutha is a nurse) stiga kept quiet and looked down. Just than my phone rang and it was my mother in law. Bless this woman heart. She probably letting me know that Yanela is there.
Me: ma
Ma Mavis: (crying)
Me: Ma yini?( what wrong?) i pointed to the keys and wallet and we ran to the car while Ma Mavis cried.
Ma Mavis: They..... they.... Took her.... she screamed and I felt my heart leave my body as I rushed to her.
Me: Am on my way ma.... i drove so fast while calling dad.
Me: They took her dad. I don't know who but Ma Mavis is a mess.
Dad: we on our way......

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