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I was quiet the whole drive home mostly thinking about the heartbeats we heard in the machine. Akani insisted that I go with him to his place. So here I am in his car driving to his house in silence. All along I was pregnant. I touched my stomach and it was flat. He looked at me than continued to drive.
Akani: are you hungry?
Me: Hot wings would be nice. He nodded and drove to chicken licken and got me my wings than we went to his house where he helped me with the door. We got to the lounge and I sat down and ate. As I was eating he stood there looking at me making me shy and I stopped eating and looked at the two wings left out of the 24 he ate.
Me: Would you like some?
Akani: No am fine you can finish up. I ate up and finished than cleaned up. When done we sat there looking at each other in silence for awhile.
Akani: I want to be part of the kids life and your life. He just blurted it out and I looked at him not knowing what to say.
Me: uhm
Akani: You don't need to answer me now but I just want to make my intentions clear to you. I want to be in both your lives. Not only because you pregnant but because I still car for you and have feelings for you and will really love to explore where we heading with this.
Me: I see
Akani: Yes I don't need you to answer me now but I just wanted you to know where I stand.
Me: I hear you. I looked down as he walked to the fridge and went to get me ice cream with crushed cookies in them. My heart did a little flip flop and I accepted the desert with a smile. I got lost on my train of thoughts. I know i should have healed from the Sizwe ordeal by now and mostly I shouldn't compare the two. Or just maybe I shouldn't have the fear of losing the babies but Sizwe changed from a loving man to a bastard that raped me multiple times. To a bastard that made me abort more times than I could remember. This pregnancy is bringing all that I feared and endured. What if I accept it and love this kids than have them taken away from me?What if I disagree with Akani somehow and somewhere than he pleads for sole child custody? What if my womb is so damaged and can't hold these kids for nine months or even 5 months and I lose them and he blames me? They are so many what if going through my mind and I felt myself panic and I looked up at Akani who was also in his own thoughts.

I looked at this from all the angles. I love Salinda more than I want to admit and this family means more to me than words can describe. I finally get to get something and someone that can call me Dad and Babe. Yes am running to far in my mind Salinda and I are not even together yet but ill give anything to have this woman by my side. Ill do anything to have her love. I finished up with the ice cream. Am not really eating because I want to its just to indulge her and make her feel normal. Carrying two kids in your Tummy can be a whole lot. I pray and I hope everything goes well for us or for my kids because they are now my center and my universe.

I walked in the kitchen and found Krutze and Chris laughing and talking.
Me: Who going to call dad and let him know we have an addition in the family. They both look at me and smiled pointing at me at the same time.
Chris: Can you wait on little sister to come back first and tell us what she and baby daddy decided.
Me: what you mean decided on?
Chris: Am sure you know they history and little sister history so they need to talk out they emotions and come to the conclusion if they keeping the babies or not.
Me: wooah what you mean. Chris looked at me as if am stupid or grown a head.
Chris: Now days when a person gets pregnant and they are not actually together in marriage with the baby daddy or they not an item. Once they both know what they want they tell each other and one of those things is deciding if they keep the baby or not.
Me: My sister will never abort
Chris: And if she does? That shut me up and I looked a krutze for some kind of help.
Krutze: Than we support her in her decision and we be there for her. We don't try to make her change her mind or try to convince her of anything. We take whatever she decides and support. We weren't here when the whole Sizwe matter happen. We don't know what scars and horrors it left. So now we are here and we are present we shall keep our opinions and judgements to ourselves and blindly support. They both nodded than turned to look at me to see if am in agreement with this. I slowly nodded hoping that my sister makes the best choice and that is keeping the child doesn't matter if Akani is on bored or not.....

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