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I looked at this beautiful man who was sitting right in front of me and smiling qs he waited for me to tell him what wrong and just then his car speakers rang and the pressed the radio.
" I hope you on your way" the voice on the speakers spoke and he smiled the most beautiful smile iv ever seen my whole life
Thulane: Mom I just got back from a meeting and they is still 4 hours until dinner, and yes mom am coming home
Voice: am just checking to see nothing came up, your father is excited that you coming home
Thulane: me too mom. He smiled and I smiled as he spoke to his mother with so much love in his voice.
Voice: okay let me leave you to it and ill see you later, i made your fav
Thulane: thank you mom and thanks for the call
Voice: I know you don't want to make a fuss of your birthday and I should have run this pass you but your uncles are coming over with the ladies. I just wanted to give you a heads up. He was silent for a while and he looked out of the window.
" Everyone lost a great loss that day and I know you don't want to be remembered about it but this is they way of showing support" he was still silent and his mother was panicking.
" we going to light candles just like how we do every year"
Thulane: Mom can we speak later. His voice has changed and his mom sighed.
Voice: Okay, I love you
Thulane: Me too. He disconnected the call and it was silent. I didn't know what to say and I just kept quiet and enjoyed the comfort of this beautiful car that am in.

I got my emotions in check than turned to find the lady next to me fast asleep. I started the car than drove to my house in Melrose. I got home than parked in the garage and picked her up as she snuggled closer to me than places her in the guest room. I went back downstairs in the garage fetched her things and placed them in there. I went took a shower and changed to a ripped jeans and a brown poloneck and brown jacket and wore my Timberlands and went to the kitchen on the fridge notepad wrote " you dozed off before You could tell me your place, ill be back and make yourself at home"  I took the G wagon and drove to my mom place.

I woke to the most comfortable bed ever.  I woke up and it was dark and I was panicking. I moved out of the bed and fumbled until i got the lights. To my amazement the most beautiful room iv ever seen. I opened the doors and found one that goes to the bathroom and went and peed than went to around the house entering every room. I got to a double door room and I pushed and it was closed than a voice spoke " Access denied " i jumped and moved back. I walked down the corridor and saw a beautiful portrait of the most beautiful girl ever. She looked like Thulane but her features were more feminine than muscular. I went down the stairs and admired every room and space. I finally got to the kitchen and my Tummy rumbled. I saw a note on the fridge and read it than smiled as I opened up the fridge and iv never seen so much food in my life. I took out kfc since it what I know and warmed it up than ate it. When done I cleaned than went to the lounge and they was no tv. I remembered the big bedroom I guess was his that had a huge tv and i went there after bathing and changing to my sleeping clothes. I got in the bed and switched the Tv on and lord Iv never seen so many channels in my life. Reminds me of the time I was working at miss Sibeko house and she had the same remote so she taught me and I switched the channels until i found a nice show.

Dinner was amazing. We were now standing in a circle and lighting a candle.
Dad: Thank you all for coming today to celebrate Thulane life and remembering Thuliswa in our prayers. Its been the hardest 11 years but we slowly healing and moving forward. Your presence and prayers means everything to us. The room was filled of smiles as they hugged and mom came and stood next to me as she wrapped her arms around me. This is the thing about my mother. Her ability of knowing when I need her by my side. Her ability of making me feel like a small boy. Since my sister death she made it a point to always be there for me just like how my sister was. She made it a point to support me emotionally but mostly she made it a point to make my life as normal as she could. Sometimes my father got jealous of our bond but I heard my mother explain to him that she will do anything to make sure she doesn't lose another child. Since than dad let us be.
Mom: I love you so much, always remember that. She whispered.
Me: I love you too mom. I kissed her on top of her head as iv grown taller than her. We chilled and had a lovely birthday in all than my father called me in his study and I went there and found him with my uncles. Uncle Sya, krutze,Mpendulo and chris. Uncle Ray is gone out of the country.
Dad: How have you been? Its been a month since you have come home. He poured me whiskey.
Me: Iv been good. Just than uncle Zumbu walks in. We chill and spoke business mostly about the farm and him wanting to know my plans and so forth. I got up and got ready to leave just as mom and the aunts came in.
Me: I should get going
Mom: I thought you sleeping over. It's Friday. I hugged her.
Me: Ill love too but I have a guest. Than they were all silent. A pen could drop.
Aunt Mbali: A guest? What kind of a guest? Why didn't you bring him or her here?  That the thing about Aunt mbali she asks to many questions all at once.
Me: She dozed off beforeI could ask her. The room went silent.
Mom: She?? I looked at them and they shocked expressions
Me:Guys what wrong?
Dad: We only read about your relationships in papers if and when it makes it there other than that iv never heard you speak of anyone even when the papers say you dating.
Mom: and now the papers are silent and you say you have a guest and it a girl and you left her all alone in your house. Iv thought you better than this.
Me: guys chill its really not what you think. Am not dating nor in a relationship.
Mom: Than explain the sleeping girl in your house. I wasn't going to do this with them. I kissed my mother and hugged dad.
Me: am so not doing this with you guys, am going. I love you guys. They all tried to speak at once and I walked out and drove off...

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