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I woke up at around 5 am than went to shower than went out of the room to start on breakfast I know that Akani has an early 7 o clock meeting. I got to downstairs and there he was in my lounge surrounded by guards sitting as if he owned my place. I stood there watching him and I slowly braved myself and walked right in.
Me: I see you have already made yourself home? Shall i offer you a drink or you have already helped yourself on that too? He smiled at me and looked at me as if shocked from receiving such a statement.
Eric: You have grown so much, even the balls.
Me: you the one to speak with the nerves of coming to my home, making yourself home and than have the audacity to expect me to wimpier. He clapped his hands and smiled.
Eric: I love what he has done to you.
Me: what did you expect after torturing us for 16 years?
Eric: certainly not this kind of a behaviour
Me: enlighten me.... I moved closer to him than set on one of the couches and pressed the silent panic button that Akani installed.

My phone vibrated and I woke up to check and saw the panic button in the lounge has been pressed. I switched on the tv to the whole house camera. To think the kids thought we didn't know about they little escapes was funny. We would sit here and watch them plan they escape and have Zumbu follow them than when they come back we will watch them come back in slow motion. It was funny to watch. I got the screens up and view the lounge and right there my biggest nightmare was live. I checked the kids room and found Thulane dead asleep and I automatically locked his door. I went to Thuli room and she wasn't there. I checked the lounge again and I found her and her mother.

Thuli is an early bird always. When she walked down the stairs with ear phones on I wasn't surprised. She looked around and didn't panic and sat down.
Eric: Thuliswa, pleasure to see you face to face.
Thuli: Can't say the same to you but hi. Eric laughed so hard.
Eric: feisty like her mother I see. He signalled for the two guys to go up. " we can't have a family meeting without everyone being here now can we?"
I heard them come up the stairs and I was ready with the silent guns. The minute they kicked my door open i shot him straight on his head and he fell like a bag of potatoes than i moved as the next person came shooting none stop.

I heard gunshots in my sleep and i tried to sleep some more until a bullet came through the door and hit my wall. I got up and went to open the door to find it locked. I knew if this was the case what was I to do. I looked under my bed and took my boots and back pack and loaded a gun than went to the adjoining door that allows my sister and I to share a bath to my surprise she wasn't there. Just than I heard voices and i moved closer to the door to see someone shooting into my father room. I shot him on his head and he fell than I ran to my father room and he got up form the other side of the bed with his gun up.
Dad: Thulane I locked you in your room.
Me: protocol was for me to go fetch my sister and she not in her room and her door was open so i came to you. He hugged me.
Dad: This is what our training was all about. I nodded.

After the shooting i was worried more about Thulane than Akani. I know he won't leave without his sister. Eric got up and went to Thuli. He grabbed her by her hair and pointed a gun at her. He shouted. " Khuzwayo I have your precious girls here, come down and surrender or I will start with the little one" he screamed and I saw he was unstable. Just than Akani came with his hands up and my panic was a thousand times if he comes alone than where the hell is Thulane? That boy can sleep. Akani walked down the stairs and just before he was at the last step Eric pulled the trigger killing Thuliswa right there and having her brains splash all over me. I lost it and jumped him screaming and crying while I heard shooting coming from all angles and when I looked up I saw Thulane aiming and shooting old men like they are just bags of potatoes with his face covered in tears it wasn't a beautiful sight to see. The moment I snapped Eric neck after fighting for what seemed like hours I ran to Thuliswa body and it was too late as her eyes were just staring blankly and I cried my lungs out... as Zumbu and a punch of men came in guns blazing and shots being fired everywhere. When everything settled Akani came running to me and picked me up moving me from my daughter body and Thulane just stood there with tears running down his face and I knew that my son will never be the same ever again. The pain of seeing him like this broke my heart. When will we ever find peace and happiness in this family. What did we do to deserve such? What have I done to suffer this much and to have glimpses of happiness. Why does The lord hate me this much? Why? These are the questions that were running in my mind as the pain of losing a child hit me hard and the realisation of knowing I didn't just lose one but iv lost two.

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